"She is careless and simple. She has no parents since she was a child. Although she had a quarrel with your husband at first, she still respects us in her heart. If it weren't for him to be too much, Yuan Yao wouldn't be able to talk back to him. Lung is an advantage, but also a disadvantage!"

None of the servants spoke.

After all, it was the young grandmother who had just entered the door, the future mistress, in fact, was it heartless, whether people were getting along well or not, they didn't know whether they could just say anything.

Luya didn't say much, returning to normal, and said: "Well, time is not so tight now, so let's make some more soup!"


The servants started to get busy again, Luya commanded for a while in the kitchen, washed her hands, and went out of the kitchen.

When she walked to the living room, Yuan Yao was wiping her hands. She had just wiped out a plate of grapes.

Lu Ya smiled and glanced at Xia Minghua, only to see that he had been stern, looking at his watch frequently.

Seeing Lu Ya coming out, he suddenly stood up, glanced at Lu Ya, and said sternly: "I'll go out!"

He said he was going out.

"Where are you going?" Luya asked.


Luya is dissatisfied, what can he do, for so long, I haven't seen him go out at this time?

Xia Mingxiu didn't care about him. Not long after Xia Minghua went out, he glanced at his watch and said, "It's almost time, shall we go pick up Wen Qian?"

"it is good!"

Yuan Yao hiccuped, stood up, took out a hat and sunglasses from the bag she brought, put on it, looked at Xia Mingxiu and said, "Let's go!"

Xia Mingxiu looked at her in thin casual clothes, sighed helplessly, and asked the servant to find him a coat, put it on Yuan Yao, and then took her hand out.

It is now autumn, and people who are still hot during the day panic, but from the evening, the weather that should be in autumn can be clearly understood.

Large temperature difference,

Seeing how Xia Mingxiu and Yuan Yao were intimate, Lu Ya smiled satisfied and walked out.

Isn't this good?

What could be happier than seeing your son and daughter-in-law be together naturally and happily?

Xia Mingxiu took Yuan Yao out of the entrance, and saw a business car of his house approaching.

Several people were a little confused, even though they knew Xia Minghua was inside, they were still curious.

Even if he has something to go out, the ordinary car in the garage is fine. Why should he choose a seven-seater commercial vehicle?

The car stopped in front of them, and the driver got out of the car and opened the door.

"Master, grandma, get in the car."

Yuan Yao looked at the driver with a reluctant expression and asked, "Where to go?"

The driver was also blinded. He looked at Xia Mingxiu and asked unclearly, "Didn't you say you are going to pick up the young master?"

Yuan Yao glanced suspiciously at Xia Mingxiu next to him. He had been by her side just now. Why didn't she know that he had arranged the car in advance?

She thought it was Xia Mingxiu driving by herself!

In fact, Yuan Yao thought it was right.

Xia Mingxiu planned to drive there by himself.

But now, Xia Mingxiu only said, "Get in the car."

"...Oh!" Yuan Yao didn't know why, but since Xia Mingxiu said it, it should be correct!

But as soon as she walked to the car door, she looked up and saw someone in the car as steady as an old clock.




Yuan Yao twitched her lips, thinking about how he had been sitting on the sofa frequently watching the time just now, she seemed to understand something.

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