Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2277: Not a good baby

"..." Pei Anzhi was speechless.

It's hard for him to hear what happened to the Xia family. How could his mother hold this matter in his heart, and he stabbed it out when he returned to the Pei family.

Doesn't his father dislike Yuan Yao?

Why did you come in a car this time?

Is the relationship still harmonious?

It's not right. Mom said Yuan Yao was angry with him again today?

But thinking about Uncle Xia's temperament, Pei Anzhi just smiled faintly.

Seeing Xia Mingxiu's helpless look, he stretched out his hand, found a pack of cigarettes in the storage box of the car, and threw one to Xia Mingxiu.

Xia Mingxiu took it, but still didn't respond, the lighter was already handed over.

Pei Anzhi actually lighted him a cigarette himself, and he subconsciously lowered his head and put the cigarette **** on the flame.

"Uncle Xia's personality is awkward, but Yuan Yao's temperament, don't worry, let them get along for two days. Uncle Xia can't stand it in two days."

Xia Mingxiu took a deep breath, looked at him, and said amused: "You know it!"

Pei Anzhi played with the lighter in his hand, with a slight helpless tone, "It's just your father. Didn't the two of my family be subdued long ago?"

Xia Mingxiu stopped smoking, "The old man and Uncle Pei don't like Yuan Yao?"

"Thanks to your dad, they are all a bit biased towards actors!"

"……Ha ha."

Xia Mingxiu laughed dryly, then passed the cigarette in his hand to his mouth.

Only then did he discover something suddenly, staring at Pei Anzhi and asked:

"Cigarette, don't you smoke?"

Xia Mingxiu said, looking at Pei Anzhi who had been playing with the lighter, frowning her eyebrows.

Pei Anzhi curled her lips slightly and shook her head, "No, there are pregnant women at home."

The smoke between Xia Mingxiu's fingers changed.


He glared at Pei Anzhi fiercely, opened the door of the car and got out of the car. He slammed the smoke he had finished smoking on the ground, and smashed his foot again.

"Uncle, the teacher said, you can't throw trash anywhere!"

Xia Mingxiu lowered his head and raised his eyes slightly, and found that it was a pink little girl who was looking at him innocently with the big eyes of Shui Lingling open.

Xia Mingxiu frowned slightly, but the window of the car next to him fell down, and Pei Anzhi looked at Xia Mingxiu with a rare bliss.

Xia Mingxiu gritted his teeth tightly, "Sorry."

At this time, the little girl’s parents suddenly ran over, grabbed the little girl’s hand, and said hurriedly: "Sorry, the child is not sensible..."

"Mom, I'm not ignorant. This uncle throws **** lips everywhere. The teacher said that this is wrong! And the uncle already knew it was wrong, he just apologized to me. Isn't that uncle?"


The girl’s mother looked helpless. Such a man with extraordinary temperament is not something they can't afford to offend. If this person is more difficult, what should I do if I trouble him?

But the child still looked innocent and immature and said: "Also, smoking-cigarette-harm-health-health-, it is written on the cigarette pack, dad taught Niuniu, but you all know why Do you want to smoke?"

Xia Mingxiu twitched the corners of his mouth. While bearing the child's innocent and innocent interrogation, Pei Anzhi's gloat smile, and the parents and children who looked around here, he could only choose to compromise with the little girl.

"...Sorry, uncle was wrong."

"Sorry..." The child's mother looked at him apologizing with embarrassment, Xia Mingxiu just nodded faintly, raising her foot to leave.

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