Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2286: Awards (5) [Ah! 】

"..." This time Yuan Yao was stunned. She never thought that she still had this concern.

Now when I hear it, Nima is really like this!

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Yuan Yaoqi!

"I told you to eat less, but you didn't listen to it at the beginning!?"

"...Is it time to lose weight now?"

"What do you mean?" Yuan Yao flicked Yuan Yao's nose. At this moment, the phone in her silver clutch bag on the bed rang. She turned out the phone and saw the caller ID. She smiled. Yingying's eyes lit up again.

Turning out of the room with the phone.

Her footsteps were a little anxious, just as Pei Anzhi came to face him and reached out to fish her into his arms.

Ye Susu exclaimed in a low voice. Just as he settled in Pei An's arms, he heard Pei Anzhi's nice voice, "Is there something urgent to go so fast?"

"..." Yuan Yao raised her head happily, smiled at him, took Pei Anzhi's hand and walked out!

At the entrance of the Pei's Hotel, a high-end black car came to a steadily stopped.

The driver's respectful voice came from the carriage.

"President Sheng, madam, here it is!"


A steady low voice rang softly.

After that, the door on one side was opened,

The first thing that caught my eye was a small round head.

It was a very cute and handsome face. The big eyes gradually became brighter as the car door was completely opened. The little nose was quite upright, the little mouth was rosy and pink, and the big dark eyes. I took a look at the star-lit hotel in front of me, and my dark eyes instantly absorbed the brilliant lights of the hotel, as gorgeous as stars.

The whole face, as well as the heroic and unspeakable temperament that exudes from the eyebrows, is simply a copy of a certain person.

"Xuan Xuan, be careful not to fall."

A gentle and gentle voice came from the carriage, and the little boy called Xuanxuan blinked his big eyes, just about to adjust his posture and want to get out of the car by himself.

But as soon as one of those short legs was stretched out, he was fished into a broad chest.

"Tell you to be careful not to fall, didn't you hear?"

The low and gentle voice sounded faintly, with a trace of unquestionable majesty.

The little guy frowned dissatisfiedly, and flopped twice in the man's arms.

"I can do it myself!"

The immature voice is full of cuteness of protest, and the small face full of emotions because of dissatisfaction is even more like a man holding him!

"It's okay or not, you have to listen to your mother, don't you know?"

"..." The little guy was angry and didn't speak.

"Xuan Xuan, I told you everything, in the future you should not do what you are sure you can do! The more you do, the more your mother is worried, why don't you listen?"

A little girl's voice was full of melancholy and helplessly looking at the little guy being hugged, her face looked like a childless child.

"Also, Dad, Xuan Xuan is four years old. He can do some things on his own. You can't always listen to his mother and indulge him. It's time for the left-wing and right-wing uncles to practice him."

"Doudo, Xuan Xuan is still too young, you always cheat him like this, he will hate you!"

Mu Chuqing took the daughter who had reached her waist and spoke softly, also feeling helpless.

[Ha ha ha ha ha, is there any excitement?]

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