Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 229: Do not touch me!

And he rarely smoked in the year he married Mu Chuqing.

Only after she left, the cigarette she carried with her was never cut off!

Ye Susu also felt a little uncomfortable. She walked up to Sheng Yuchen, looked at the cigarette butts, and asked worriedly:

"Why do you smoke so much? No matter what, your body is important!"


Sheng Yuchen replied with her eyebrows, and when she raised her eyes to look at Mu Chuqing, Mu Chuqing was no longer there.

"Cousin, please help me check the wiring in the house to see if there is any aging. After all, no one has been here for a long time.


Sheng Yuchen responded again, and then passed Ye Susu and entered the house.

There was no Mu Chuqing in the living room. Sheng Yuchen stood at the top of the stairs for a while. He heard a sound coming from the kitchen, and then he raised his foot on the stairs.

It's really stupid, obviously she just walked in from outside, where can she leave?

Ye Susu came in later and followed the sound into the kitchen.

Mu Chuqing put water in the sink and poured the newly bought detergent, then bent down and moved the dishes out of the cabinet with ease, preparing to clean it.

Ye Susu was going to take the lead. When she came in, the water in the sink was almost full.

She reached out to control the faucet, and Mu Chuqing just straightened up, but her head touched Ye Susu's elbow.

"It's crackling!" Mu Chuqing fell to the ground, the dishes in his hand shattered.

But Ye Susu was flustered, and when he retracted his hand, he fiddled with the pile of bowls beside the sink into the sink.

With a dull sound of water, a large wave of water splashed out, almost all of it splashed on Mu Chuqing's body, from head to toe.

"Sister Qing!"

Ye Susu was stunned for a moment, and then screamed in exclamation while covering her mouth, bending over to help Mu Chuqing.

However, before she squatted down, a black figure had already rushed over and pulled Ye Susu aside.

Asked in a panic:

"Have you hurt?!"


Mu Chuqing replied subconsciously, but Sheng Yuchen was panicked, bent and picked Mu Chuqing from a pile of broken porcelain pieces, then walked to the living room and put Mu Chuqing on the sofa.

He saw that Mu Chuqing's entire hair was completely wet, and he checked her head anxiously with his big palm.

"Did you hit your head?"

The tone was also deeply worried and distressed.

Mu Chuqing looked at Sheng Yuchen's face that used to be cold but full of worry at the moment!

But the more I look at it, the more my heart hurts! The colder it gets!

She has seen too many such looks!

Isn't this exclusive to the look in his eyes when facing Chang Chu?

Now, why use her again!

"Do not touch me!"

The same thing, facing the same person, she said the second time in one day!

Sheng Yuchen's movements suddenly stopped, the hands holding Mu Chuqing's head froze for a moment, and then let go.

He knelt on one leg and looked up at her.

Mu Chuqing curled up on the sofa with water dripping from her hair, messing around her face and body, a little embarrassed.

However, her eyes on Sheng Yuchen were cold, even with a trace of hatred.

Sheng Yuchen retracted his hand, but didn't know where to put it.

Mu Chuqing's eyes were like a sharp knife at the moment, wherever it stabbed was fatal pain!

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