Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2297: Awards (16)

His body is still faintly scent of wormwood as always, no matter how many expensive trimmed suits he put on, no matter when and where he arrives, the smell on him remains the same.

His unique fragrance of wormwood, coupled with the unique taste of their home, mixed with her and his taste, and seemed to merge them all together, never separating.

She likes this feeling and prefers to smell his body, reminding her all the time that she now has the world.

She raised her head and glanced at Pei Anzhi, smiled slightly at him, and then moved closer to him, a family of three, under everyone’s eyes, under countless flashing lights, and in front of people all over the world, stepped on the red, symbolizing With all beautiful carpets.

Because of their arrival, the attention of stars on the carpet will naturally be replaced.

Pei Yunze was held by Pei Anzhi's hands and looked behind him. Yuan Wenqian just got out of the car and stood by the side of the car, with a small figure standing there. From a distance, there was only a small spot alone.

Pei Yunze frowned slightly, and when he saw him raising his foot and walking up, he turned his head and walked forward with Pei Anzhi's influence!

Before Yuan Wenqian stepped on the red carpet, he was stopped by two people guarding his mouth. He didn't say anything. He just looked up at them, and the discomfort and momentum between the eyebrows made the two people stunned.

At the same time, his small figure was captured by the reporter's lens.

"Huh, isn't that the young master of the Xia family?"

As soon as this sound fell, most reporters looked over here and took pictures of Yuan Wenqian.

"Really, it is really the young master of the family! Why did he come by himself? What about President Xia, why didn't he see him?

"Did you go in, or haven't you come yet?"


One after another, the two people who stood at the mouth of the red carpet blocking Yuan Wenqian glanced at each other, and they withdrew back, tacitly allowing Yuan Wenqian to pass.

With a cold face, Yuan Wenqian stepped onto the red carpet, flashing lights one after another, without blinking.

Faced with reporters' questions, he also turned a blind eye and heard nothing. The little man was calm and uncomfortable, where he seemed to have the aura of his height.

Pei Anzhi took Ye Susu and was stopped by the host on the stage. The host only asked one or two questions symbolically, and did not continue to ask.

Pei Anzhi always cherishes words like gold and never takes the time to deal with such things. But Ye Susu, who was once the manager of the public relations department, is more good at talking. After talking about the image and the future spokesperson of Pei’s brand Recently, after the company was about to promote new products, the interview soon ended after receiving the host’s blessings for her and Pei Anzhi, as well as her future baby.

Facing the red carpet frontally, Ye Susu, Pei Anzhi, and both of them saw Wen Qian walking on the red carpet alone. The distance was not very far. They watched here and they were not very worried.

Pei Anzhi did not leave, and the host did not dare to welcome them.

During the waiting time, in order to prevent the atmosphere from being embarrassing, the host chatted "at will".

They still know the child, the son of Xia Mingxiu, President of Aurora International, and the relationship between the Xia family and the Pei family is so good. There is no parent with that child, which means that he came with the Pei family.

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