Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2303: Awards (22)

Therefore, when they saw Xia Mingxiu approaching Yuan Yao and really sitting down next to Yuan Yao, they were really shocked that their eyes would fall.

Not to mention, Xia Mingxiu even turned his head and approached Yuan Yao as if he was saying something, and Yuan Yao also nodded, not knowing what he was saying.

Two people are very close, but such a distance and such behavior are normal for others.

There were a lot of people in the lobby, and there was a lot of talk, and there was a lot of noise. It was difficult to hear each other's voices. They either amplified their voices or approached each other to listen carefully to what the other party was saying.

But when such things were put on Xia Mingxiu's body, they always found it incredible. He first took the initiative to sit next to Yuan Yao, then took the initiative to talk to Yuan Yao, and also took the initiative to approach her.

There is no problem with this kind of action on anyone, but Xia Mingxiu did it, which was too shocking.

However, after the two had finished speaking, they separated. Yuan Yao turned to chat with Mrs. Pei on the side, while Xia Mingxiu turned and nodded slightly to another extraordinary man beside him, no Know what is being said.

Everything seems too normal, even the conversation he had with Yuan Yao just now seemed normal.

In the end, everyone silently convinced themselves that Yuan Yao is just an artist in Xia Mingxiu's company, and she is the biggest winner tonight, and Xia Mingxiu is her immediate boss. It should be special for her.

Yes, it should be so.

At nine o'clock, the opening music suddenly sounded in the entire lobby, and the host walked out from behind the scenes.

The most popular host in China, the male host is undoubtedly Mo Xiao, the host of Aurora International, regardless of whether today’s host is Aurora International or not, he has never had any suspense in everyone’s subconscious when he is the host this time. ,

The hostess is Qian Xin, the first sister of the TV station with the highest ratings right now. He has his own unique hosting style, strong insight, and quick response. In addition, he is not outstanding in appearance and has a very strong aura. In this era when everyone needs to use plastic surgery as gossip , Received numerous praises.

Because it is a global film and television awards ceremony, foreign hosts are naturally indispensable.

Foreign hosts are also one man and one woman, and they are also among the best in the host industry.

In the past, when awarding awards abroad, there were only foreign hosts, who spoke fluent English and recited the names of domestic films that were inaccurately pronounced, as well as the names of the winners.

It's not polite to say bad in private, but that's the truth.

Today, the award ceremony is located in China, in Kyoto. The domestic people themselves can be very proud and proud of themselves. They can read the award-winning films of their own country and the names of the winners. In a sense, it is exciting. moved.

The high-spirited music at the opening gradually eased. The host began to give a speech, and after introducing the host, as well as the cooperating units and leaders, he expressed his gratitude for support and the highest international honor award Numerous——Flower, or NF, Chinese translation, Fanhua Award, the first time to be held in China, the exclamation, pride, and the already looking forward to the future.

After that is the leader's speech and the opening show.

Twenty minutes later, the real awards begin, and the final awards are often put to the end.

[Posted early today, continue in the early morning. 】

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