Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2305: Awards (24)

But Jiang Meng seemed to not care about Sheng Yuchen’s anger, staring at the stage like no one else.

The mood also changed with the show on the stage, as if she didn't care about Sheng Yuchen at all.

This is the first time Jiang Meng has returned to China. When she came back, she met Sheng Yuchen, which was beyond her expectation.

Regarding meeting Sheng Yuchen again, Jiang Meng's heart is calm.

Not a stranger, but better than a stranger, not without feeling, but feeling too deep.

How can they be real strangers when they meet?

In fact, she had always deliberately done it, forcing herself to be just strangers with him.

So it feels more profound.

They can't be real strangers, so Sheng Yuchen's decision to let her leave the country forever was the most correct.

She didn't feel cruel, yes, she should really thank him for his determination.

If he was indecisive at the beginning, if he cared a little about her at the beginning, if he was hesitant and reluctant at the beginning, then, now...

Not now.

If at that time, she would definitely grab Sheng Yuchen over without giving up, but the result was that she would sink deeper and deeper, and Sheng Yuchen would only become more and more impatient. She would not have a little patience with herself.

To say whether she really loved Sheng Yuchen at the beginning, she actually didn't know, Sheng Yuchen provoked her at the beginning, and her first reaction was to make herself stand firm in the entertainment industry.

Subconsciously, she felt that Sheng Yuchen couldn't hang on her forever. If it weren't for his unconditional indulgence to herself in the later period, she would not have the idea of ​​getting him.

Women's subconsciousness is always scary.

At the beginning, I just simply stood firm in the entertainment industry, thinking about the impossible from the beginning, never possible,

Moreover, once she made the wrong choice and wanted to stalk Sheng Yuchen, then her fate would be even worse.

So, it’s better for a woman to be independent. Don’t be spoiled by a man easily. Then, like a Handan toddler, you won’t even be able to find yourself in the end.

By now, she was sitting here, recognizing herself, doing herself, sober and thankful.

She can feel Sheng Yuchen's anxiety, but she can't control it.

Seeing her and being upset about another woman, why should she care?

In fact, she wished he was more upset.

It is good that he took revenge against himself in those days.

If Jiang Meng could perceive Sheng Yuchen's anxiety, then Mu Chuqing could perceive it better.

But what can she say?

A few years ago, Jiang dreamed of getting Ah Chen, nothing wrong, but she couldn't give Ah Chen to her, she wanted her man, then she was wrong.

But she was grateful to Jiang Meng. If it weren't for Jiang Meng, the mistakes she had made would never be able to make up.

Seeing Jiang Meng, she actually couldn't be completely calm.

It's just that the other party seems too calm.

Mu Chuqing didn’t understand what Jiang Meng was thinking about now,

Turning his head and glanced at her more, that side face was familiar and unfamiliar. The face that was somewhat similar to the original one has passed time and has become somewhat more mature. The contour of the face has become more three-dimensional. Makeup looks too different from before.

It's like a different person.

But looking at the thick long eyelashes that quivered gently, Mu Chuqing's mouth was still slightly hooked, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

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