Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2309: Awards (28)

But today, what she needs is an opportunity.

Although this kind of thinking is not enough loyal to one's own work, enough respect.

However, she just wanted to be selfish and selfish.

Only this time, please...

In the Xia family, Mother Xia was fidgeting on the sofa. The room was filled with almost the entire Xia family's employees. She also stared at the screen nervously. This should be the last award. Who is the queen and who is the actor must be immediately Announced.

At this time, Xia Minghua walked downstairs with her lips pressed tightly. When the servants who had gathered in front of the TV saw this, they stepped back a few steps to make way for Xia Minghua.

Mother Xia glanced at him sideways, anxious and nervous between her eyebrows, just one glance, Mother Xia turned her attention to the screen again.

The award-giving guests are the actor and queen of the last Flower Awards, the French actor Benshamin and the M country actor Amanda.

After the brief introductions of the five shortlisted works were played on the big screen, the highlights of the actors in the film were played in turn.

In "Queen", Yuan Yao still shows strong and soft scenes in the hardest time. In "Secret Service", Jiang Meng'er in a crimson leather tights in the film's difficult actions and the embarrassing and handsome side of the film, in "Dawn" A scene where the male and female protagonists interact slowly from the flames of the Orchid. In "At This Moment", the heroine pulls her skirt and runs towards the protagonist.

However, in the broadcast clip of "Upper", there is only a clip of Yan Siming, which fiercely tells the car chase scene, Yan Siming's original performance, and his angry and frightening momentum, as well as the appearance of his faint smile. He is alone, the heroine and Yuan Yao only occasionally show a side face in the edited clips under his background, not the protagonist at all.

After the clip was broadcast, the audience was completely dumb.

The big upset tonight really appeared.

In "Upper", if you want to play, you can only play a actor.

As "Upper" is a supporting actress in name but actually has already occupied the protagonist's halo Yuan Yao, it is impossible to win the honor of best actress because of "Upper" tonight.

Yuan Yao is stunned.

There was nothing in the brain, and the whole person froze there, not knowing how to react.

Xia Mingxiu held Yuan Yao's hand tighter, and Ye Susu also worriedly held Yuan Yao's arm on the side, comforting her silently.

Yuan Yao's face was pale, but she still pulled the corners of her lips firmly.

But it is uglier than crying.

God knows what kind of mood she is now, that disappointment, too big, almost suddenly falling from the cloud, and like being awakened by a nightmare, for a moment it can't reflect whether it is a dream or reality.

"Yuan Yao, it's okay, we have another time..."

Ye Susu saw that Yuan Yao's expression was seriously wrong, and finally couldn't help but feel uneasy and comforted her.

Yuan Yao did shook her head gently, "Susu, let alone..."

There is only one chance. If it is the next time, the meaning will be different.

She doesn't care about trophies, honors, but only this time, if not today, what is the point afterwards?

If you missed it, let her down, or the more others comforted her, the more she couldn't help crying.

She really can't be used to...

[It may feel a lot more verbose if it is less, then I will feel a little bit more verbose in the future. Hahaha! I guess I won’t be able to go back to Beijing tomorrow, but it’s better to watch six! After returning to Beijing, I will adjust my interest rate, and I will increase it as appropriate. In fact, this article has been written for a long time. Thank you for your continued follow. I feel very touched inexplicably. You think I might be convulsed! Puff, I hope you can always be with me and witness each other's growth. I try not to let you down on me. Meme! 】

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