Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2316: Miracle night

"I think we were able to make this decision today. It is simply too correct. Everyone, this year's Flower Awards, there are no upsets, but surprises and surprises are always there."

"Tonight is the night of subversion! It is the most memorable night because of the miracle breaking the convention! From this year on, our Fanhua Award has set up a new best actor award! It has no actor or actress, and no protagonist There is no distinction of nationality. Among all filmmakers in the world, the most outstanding person is selected, and it will represent the pinnacle of only one person!"

The audience was in an uproar!

The highest award is not the best actor and best actress?

The so-called actor and actress, just like this?

Regardless of male and female, regardless of supporting actress, regardless of nationality, there is only one person in the world?

This is truly unprecedented.

The night of subversion is worthy of the name.

And this time, there is no more suspense!

Tonight's "big upset" turned around in an instant and became a hot spot worldwide!

What is the location of a shadowy queen?

What kind of honor can be compared with this award.

Tonight will be a historic moment, and the person who made history is undoubtedly Yuan Yao,

Everyone's hearts swelled and agitated in an instant, and such an honor could be comparable to a lifetime honor award.

Moreover, no one can compare to the person who won this honor tonight, because she is the first person, the first person in history, and no one can surpass.

Just when everyone was rekindling the fight because of this award in the bottom of their hearts, Nibel said again:

"Best Actor Award, I have to explain this award, whether this award will continue to exist in the future, this is not necessarily, there may be, but it is definitely not a dead rule. If there is no one who we think is worthwhile in the next year, Then there won't be this award. It all depends on how well you can perform."

There was another uproar in the lobby. If it is not a permanent award, there may not be any?

How far do you see your acting skills?

Today's Yuanyao can make the review team embarrassed to this point, so what is the difference between this award and the one specially designed for Yuanyao?

Even if it is of any use, since Yuan Yao created a miracle today, in the future, will all standards be aligned with Yuan Yao, even better than Yuan Yao?

In this case, this award will not show up again for at least five years.

"Naturally, there is no doubt that tonight, there is no suspense for the best actor award, it belongs to Yuan Yao!"

Regardless of whether it was sincere or disobeyed, when Nibel’s passionate voice just fell, everyone applauded, and constant applause echoed in the huge hall of people!

Yuan Yao sat there in disbelief, regained her senses in Ye Susu’s happy shout, and finally covered her mouth in disbelief.

"I... Am I dreaming?"

"No, Yuan Yao, congratulations!"

Ye Susu denied quickly and congratulated her eagerly.

She still looked at Nibel on the stage in disbelief, until she saw Nibel smiling at her and nodding, she was a little surprised to believe that all this is true tonight.

Nibel retracted his eyes, looked around, suddenly patted his forehead, turned his head to look at the hosts on the side, and said in a bewilderment:

"Am I messing up the process, I should keep a little suspense as before, right?"

"Whatever you want."

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