Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2325: grandmother

"What do you know? I don't understand how important this moment is to Yuan Yao!" She said, turning her head to look at the servant, and said, "Don't shut it down."

"Okay, ma'am."

The servant said in a hurry, they were eager.

They also want to see how their young grandma won the prize.

Xia Minghua snorted again and said nothing.

Mother Xia glanced at him, and the private message placed her gaze on the screen in front of her, but the corners of her lips raised secretly.


On the stage, Yuan Yao stared at the persimmon for a long time, then suddenly said:

"By the way... why are you... here?"

Co-author, she hasn't noticed until now, who is the woman she used to call "grandma"?

Shen Mei sighed helplessly, "Didn't you tell me? Your guest of honor tonight is me."

Yuan Yao's eyes widened again in surprise, the doubt in her eyes getting deeper and deeper.

At this time, Mo Xiao walked up at the right time.

"I'm very sorry, excuse me. Why do I feel so confused? The two of you seem to be familiar, but now it seems, do you know each other or not?"

It's not just Mo Xiao, everyone feels this way.

Yuan Yao couldn't answer this question either. Of course she knew the person in front of her, but now this situation...

She really didn't know what was going on!

Mo Xiao saw Yuan Yao's entanglement and doubts, and directly continued:

"Fortunately to be able to get Shen Mei Chen Ying to come here later, and promised to be on stage to present awards to our winners. That's right, tonight is simply full of surprises and surprises..."


Yuan Yao was taken aback, and she looked at the "grandma" who was aside in surprise, "You..."

She is Shen Mei? !

But why...

Too many doubts popped out of my heart, bewildering her.

But Shen Mei retracted his gaze and took a step back lightly.

Staring at Yuan Yao, "Congratulations."

She did not give Yuan Yao any chance to continue to doubt, walked to the emcee on the side, took the trophy she was holding in her hands, and then looked at it for a few seconds, turned around and smiled slightly, and walked to Yuan Yao's side. , Looked at her lightly.

Just changing his eyes, Yuan Yao couldn't help but stand upright.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious and solemn.

"Winner of the Best Actor Award, Yuan Yao!"

Shen Mei said, stretching out the trophy.

Yuan Yao subconsciously stretched out her hand to accept it. For a moment, she looked at the trophy, her eyes suddenly brightened.

The big screen also gave a close-up of the trophy, which was completely different from the appearance of other trophies. In the past, the flower award was made of pure gold. The design shape is the same as the package bouquet, pure gold outside, and then a cluster is connected all the time Flowers hot out of pure gold.

The Flower Award is obvious from the outside.

However, this trophy broke the pure gold made in the past. The body of the cup is made of transparent crystal, and the outside is covered with densely shining diamonds, and the top is a colorful flower inlaid with crystals of various colors.

This is the real flower award!

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this trophy,

Beautiful, shiningly shaking their eyes,

Compared with the trophies of the past, it is a world of difference. The gold content in appearance and the gold content in the sense cannot be underestimated.

Nibel said that he saved money for a trophy. He said that the trophy is really expensive. Now this is the actual proof. In fact, he is joking. Don't question Fanhua's strength easily?

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