Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2327: Fixed in her life

Yuan Yao bowed deeply, attracting applause and echoes of fans.

She straightened up, smiled slightly, "Thank you everyone, thank you. Senior Shen is right. Actually, I have many shortcomings. Sometimes I feel that I am unreasonable and stupid in the world. Thank you. Tolerance to me. I like my profession. I like acting under the camera, giving a virtual character a relatively fresh life and showing it to everyone. In fact, I have never had much to do with winning or not winning. Looking forward to it. I don’t want to win prizes. What I really want to see is that you will be happy or sad or other emotions for a role I played. Every smile, every tear, every tiny thing you moved because of this Expression, that's what I really want to see."

"But today, if I didn't win the prize, I would really have a headache. This prize does not belong to me alone. If I don't get it, there is no way to give you a perfect account of your support. And I, too. You need an opportunity to let me confess everything I should confess to you. Then I’m very lucky..."

Yuan Yao raised the trophy in her hand and said: "Tonight, I did not disappoint everyone."

There was a scream of fan support from the audience, Yuan Yao's throat was a little sore, and her nose was sore, she pressed down the soreness in her throat with force. Silently choked twice.

"Next... I'm sorry, please give me a little more time, let me clarify things to you."

There was a round of encouraging applause from the audience, Yuan Yao hurriedly said thank you.

The trophy in his hand was a bit in the way, Qian Xin stepped forward and asked Yuan Yao to put the trophy on the tray in the emcee's hand. Yuan Yao did not refuse.

Freeing her hand, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the crowds of people in front of her. She lowered her head and placed her hand gently on her slightly bulged belly.

"I'm pregnant, this is my second child."

The audience was in an uproar.

"I have always thought that one day, I will have the opportunity to stand here, be embraced by my lover, hold my lovely son, and show my happiness to those who love me and those who love me. I hope you will applaud for me, Bless me. I believe you will do this."

"From then on, I am no longer alone in life. I, Yuan Yao, also have close relatives..."

Her voice couldn't help but choked, "I yearn for such a life, because my past is too much regret that I can't decide and choose by myself. In fact, the core of the two films "Queen" and "Upper" is different, but But I think the two people I play have one thing in common, that is, they have to be strong. The same is true for me, if I can, I actually don’t want to be strong. At the very least, it’s good to be able to give me a shoulder after I’m strong. Before. It’s an infinite desire, now...I have it."

"Before this, I never dared to imagine that I could have the happiness I dream of. Children, parents, and your existence, and everything that you brought me. Thank you..."

Yuan Yao stared at the audience, and Xia Mingxiu pressed his lips tightly. When everyone was immersed in the faint sadness that Yuan Yao brought out, he stood up, took Yuan Wenqian's hand, and walked towards the crowd under everyone's attention. On stage.

Yuan Yao watched Xia Mingxiu's long figure and the small figure walking towards him, and the feeling was indescribable in her heart.

They seemed to be people who were too far away from her, and then they were walking towards themselves step by step, and then staying in front of her, frozen in her life.

[I have a cold and headache during these two days, Chapter Six. Five in the morning. Continue tomorrow. muah. 】

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