Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2330: Did you work hard enough?

"She doesn't like me? Didn't you hear it just now? She only used the word'love' and two words to describe you! And for me,'duplicitous and awkward' are two words, and still eight. A word! Do the math, who does she like better?"




The people in the whole house were speechless.

Whether the wheel likes or not likes a person can be calculated like this?

Who has long adjectives and more words, who do you like better?

However, the word "love" sounds much better than "duplicity" and "arrogant", okay?

Mr. Xia from their family said, "Is this really all right for you?

For a while, has she been irritated by the little milk...

Xia Minghua looked smug, and if he had a tail, he would be able to lift it up into the sky.

"Is this something you are proud of?" Mother Xia looked at him unbearably, showing contempt for such naive Xia Minghua, her attitude was very obvious.

Moreover, Xia Mu's unhappy expression was also very obvious.

"..." Xia Minghua suddenly reacted, coughed slightly, touched his nose, and pointed to the TV screen and said, "Watching TV."

It's rare to see the husband confessing in front of his wife, compromising, and the few servants are fresh, holding their lips tightly to the side and holding back a smile. You can't help but look at each other.

Xia's mother didn't loosen much on her face. There was no emotional fluctuation in Xia Minghua's attitude. She really cared a little bit. On such a rare occasion, Yuan Yao just used two words to describe her, which was a bit lacking.


"In the past, I really had nothing. I believe that each of us has reasons to be strong, and has had inevitable hardships. Yes, I have, and I have also complained about the unfair destiny and why he can Being so cruel to me. But on the contrary, this gave another reason to be strong. Now I am now full of gratitude for fate. If all this is the best arrangement of fate. Then I am willing to bear all the hardship and Difficulties, despair and suffering. As long as you persist, you will always have the opportunity to see the kindness that fate gives you. I want to live beautifully, I want to see your smile to me, I want you to be proud of me, and I want to find one Warm embrace, want to make yourself smile and live, all this is your perseverance and dedication in exchange for."

"Mo Xiao is right. Not all perseverance and dedication will be rewarded, but if you don’t persist, don’t work, and don’t work hard, you will definitely not be rewarded. I always agree with this sentence. If you think you Persist, give, and work hard, and get unfair treatment, or even get nothing, don’t complain, you have to think first, is your persistence, effort, and effort really enough?"

"I am able to stand here and have the opportunity to tell you so much. In fact, I have always felt guilty because I always feel that I am not any better. Perseverance, hard work, and dedication, I think I have it. What's missing. I can't believe that I can get this award and get such a high degree of recognition. So, let's just work hard and don't think about it. If I do this, I will get something in the end. If you always want to exchange for equal value, you may always be disappointed and never get real satisfaction."

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