Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2332: I am selfish and love to be emotional!

I have seen so many different eyes, a heart has long since lost any expectations. Before that, I once thought, why they have so many buns and they just refuse to give me one to eat. They may be missing one bun. For me, this bun may be my life. How could they be so cruel that they wouldn't even give me a bun, obviously it was just a small effort.

But I later learned that maybe they had exactly three buns in their bag, one for themselves, one for their lover, and one for their children. And I am not one of them. Why should people give it to me? Therefore, all of us are living for ourselves and for the better lives of the people we care about. We have nothing to do with other people.

So I never complain to anyone who sits on the sidelines, because they don't owe me anything, they are just trying to live their lives. It is said that people who have a thorough understanding of human relationships and sophistication are more cold and unfeeling. I don't know why anyone would say such a thing. Did the person who said these words really experience anything?

It is precisely because of what I have experienced since I was a child that I can see through the reality, so even if others treat me a little bit good, I will really remember and be grateful, and I want to spare no effort to give them back.

This kind of feeling is hard to come by. I don’t have the qualifications and standpoint, and I get good from others for no reason, but they did it... It’s like an oasis in the desert. It should be difficult to remember. .

I think people like us know how to be grateful and how to cherish a relationship.

I think people who see the reality are not indifferent and unfeeling, but easier and emotional.

However, competition is everywhere now, and competition in reality makes us have to take into account the overall situation, so emotional use becomes the biggest taboo. But I don't want to suppress my feelings. My choice is to be loyal to myself. I am a selfish person and I have been used to it since I was a child. What I am used to is life for one person and the whole family. No one can let me rely on, I can only rely on myself, so if I am not selfish, I will not live now. In fact, each of us cannot escape the selfish hat. I think I am selfish, so I also understand the selfishness of others. People don't die for themselves! I cannot judge or deny a person with things I cannot do. "

Yuan Yao played a proper joke and said:

"So, I am a selfish person who is accustomed to emotions, and I still have to make a decision today..."

Xia Mingxiu suddenly turned his head to look at her, frowning slightly, and gradually using a little bit of strength with the hand around her waist.

The guess in my mind is already a foregone conclusion.

Yuan Yao put her hands on her stomach and said with a smile:

"As you can see, I am pregnant right now, so... Unfortunately, I can't be active in the circle for the time being."

This statement is relatively euphemistic, but it is understandable and reasonable.

Being pregnant, temporarily letting go of work is completely inevitable,

For this rhetoric, no one's reaction was too great.

Yuan Yao said again:

"After giving birth to a child, I need to take time to nurse and take care of the child. I am now a mother, so I know a mother’s love for her child. Once she has a baby, her body and mind will be devastated to the child. I think I am too. When I was born, I had to work right after I was born. God knows how tormented my mood was..."

[Five change, forgive me. Because the end is coming soon, I have to smooth the plot of someone you like and try to write what you expect. muah. 】

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