Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2336: eat supper!


Oh, they still don't understand Yuan Yao!

It is estimated that there is no woman in the world who can toss more than Yuan Yao.

The restlessness factor in her body can almost toss Xia Mingxiu to death sometimes.


Facing the mess Yuan Yao left behind, Mo Xiao had no choice but to play and clean up the mess.

However, the fans were enthusiastic. At this time, everyone sitting in the audience seemed to be more tolerant. No surprise, this time the Flower Awards ceremony ended successfully.

With thunderous applause, the event came to an end.

Shen Mei was only one side, and then disappeared into everyone's sight.

Mother Xia looked at the back of Shen Mei stepping down, turned her head to look at Xia Minghua, and asked, "Don't you go to see me?"

Xia Minghua frowned, stood up from the sofa, turned and said to the servant on the side:


The servant was stunned. For so many years, they have never seen their husband’s habit of eating supper.

However, he responded quickly, "Excuse me, sir, what do you want for supper?"

"Bun! Make me ten of all tastes!"



"...OK, sir!"

Xia Minghua snorted and walked up the stairs.

Everyone didn't speak. When Xia Minghua's figure disappeared at the top of the stairs, several people covered their mouths and laughed lowly.

"Madam, when did sir like to eat steamed buns?" A servant made no secret of his smile and asked Lu Ya amusedly.

"No, you should ask Mrs. Why did your husband suddenly remember to have supper!" Someone was naughty,

Luya looked at the empty staircase and couldn't help but laugh.

"Uncomfortable ghost!"

The whole room burst into laughter.

"It's so noisy!"

Suddenly Xia Minghua's angry voice came from upstairs, and the laughter stopped abruptly. Several people covered their mouths, each winking amusedly, and poured into the kitchen one after another.

Although I worked overtime in the middle of the night, I felt pretty good this time.

Shen Mei went to the backstage, Yuan Yao guarding the door of her dressing room.

Seeing her coming, Yuan Yao greeted her, "...Senior Shen."

Shen eyebrows stopped and looked at her quietly.

"Don't call me grandma?"

Yuan Yao flushed, bit her lip and shook her head slightly, "Sorry, Senior Shen, I really didn't expect you to be... I didn't expect you to be young..."

Shen Brow lowered his head and glanced at the little guy beside Yuan Yao, and gently twitched the corners of his lips, "Is this your son?"

Yuan Yao bowed her head, saw Yuan Wenqian, nodded, "Yes, I and Xia Mingxiu's son."

Shen Mei stepped forward and stretched out his hand, Yuan Wenqian put his hand in her palm-lined palm.

Shen Mei smiled with satisfaction, took Yuan Wenqian's hand, opened the door of the dressing room, and took Yuan Wenqian into it.

Yuan Yao took a look, then walked in and closed the door smoothly.

Yuan Wenqian leaned in Shen Mei’s arms surprisingly, without saying a word.

Shen eyebrows stroked Yuan Wenqian's head affectionately, and sighed softly:

"This little guy looks like Xia Mingxiu. The genes of the Xia family are really powerful."

Shen Mei said, and he held Yuan Wenqian's head to look carefully, looked at the child's delicate facial features, and smiled again.

"Senior, don't you know that Xia Mingxiu is Xia Minghua's son?"

There was no big expression on Shen Mei's face, "Why can't I recognize it? The genes of the Xia family are so strong, how can Xia Mingxiu and his father be sextile when they were young, if they can't recognize it, how can we be worthy of our so many years of feelings?"

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