Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2344: you are not happy?

Jiang Meng grinned, she could see that Mu Chuqing didn't like her!

She is more defensive against her than Doudou.

"It's okay. Just click it and save time wasting thinking."

Jiang Meng's gaze crossed Mu Chuqing and fell on the man standing at the door.

Mu Chuqing's brows wrinkled tightly.

Sheng Yu stood there quietly, without any expression on his face, his eyebrows were as firm as two unmoving mountain peaks, he noticed Jiang Meng’s eyes, and his dark and deep eyes slid in his eye sockets, directly meeting Jiang Meng’s gaze. .

That kind of gaze seemed to be full of the abyss of cold thorns, Jiang Meng suddenly felt like a broken body,

A thin layer of cold sweat could not help but seep out of her forehead, and she took two steps back, with some difficulty withdrawing her eyes.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first. I have to catch a plane tomorrow."

Jiang Meng's voice was a little hasty, because she knew that even if she stayed here, Sheng Yuchen didn't know what she would do.

She is a realistic person, and she has fully understood it a few years ago.

She can clearly tell who should provoke and who should not provoke.

Just as Sheng Yuchen had warned her, he could give her everything or leave her nothing.

She believes it!

She firmly believes!

Without Sheng Yuchen, her life could still be very good. Her life had just started, and she would not allow anyone, including herself, to do something stupid to ruin herself.

She is not welcome here, she just leaves.

Seeing Jiang Meng about to leave, Mu Chuqing stopped her again.

"Miss Jiang Meng'er!"

Despite Jiang Meng's current embarrassment, she sneered when she heard Mu Chuqing's words.

It is not Jiang Meng, but Jiang Meng'er. It can be seen how much she hates herself.

Yes, after all, that Jiang Meng in the past almost occupied her man!

Mu Chuqing caught up with Jiang Meng and stopped in front of her.

She stared faintly at Jiang Meng's face with fine makeup for a few seconds, then curled her lips and smiled:

"Thank you for helping me take care of Chen and my daughter before. It may not be right, but I do owe a thank you to you. I hope you will have a better life...bye!"

Jiang Meng looked at her blankly, unable to say a word.

What should she say?

You are welcome?

Should be?

you are welcome?

What position does she have to respond to her?

It seems not.

And Mu Chuqing seemed to have known that she would not answer her, and said goodbye directly.

What a smart woman.


What else can she say except goodbye?

Mu Chuqing smiled, raised her foot and walked towards Sheng Yuchen, took his arms lightly, and said softly, "Are you okay?"

Sheng Yuchen looked at her, the corners of her tight lips twitched in a small arc, her thin lips moved slightly, her voice was faint but not indifferent, "No."

Mu Chuqing smiled, "Then let's go."

"it is good."

The two people left, Jiang Meng stopped after two quick steps, turned around, looked at the back of the two people leaving, and the nervous expression on his face gradually relaxed.

She let out a heavy breath, leaned against the wall of the corridor, clutched her chest, and closed her eyes heavily.

Mu Chuqing and Sheng Yuchen left everyone's sights, and Sheng Yuchen held the silent Mu Chuqing at the end of the corridor.

"you are not happy?"

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