Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2350: you are so nice

Ye Susu stopped speaking. She seems to have experienced this situation...

When Wen Qian was there, he often reacted like this.

It seems that he thought of Xuan Xuan as an imaginary enemy again this time!

Feeling funny for a while in my heart, he followed him into the room happily.

Seeing that his face was still not very good, Ye Susu reluctantly hugged Pei Anzhi’s waist from behind and pressed his face to his back.

Pei Anzhi's body is a little tight,

"Anzhi, you are so kind."

Ye Susu's voice was soft and soft, and what she said suddenly softened Pei An while she was still unhappy.

"Why do you say this suddenly?"

"Because I found out suddenly."

Pei Anzhi slowly turned around, looked down at her, and said quietly, "I just found out?"

Ye Susu shook his head again and again, "I was wrong, I found it right from the beginning!"

Pei Anzhi's expression eased again.

"Actually, if you don't say anything, I won't agree to be with Xuan Xuan tonight."

Pei Anzhi raised his eyebrows to look at her.

"I'm pregnant now, and Xuan Xuan is still young. If I don't sleep honestly, will I suffer? If you like it, you have to be rational, right."

"Even if you are not pregnant, you have to refuse!"

Ye Susu knew what Pei Anzhi was thinking, and smiled.

"They are still children, don't think too much..."

"Do you think I'm annoying?"

"No no, I like it very much."

Ye Susu denied again, raised his foot and kissed Pei Anzhi's lips. Pei An consciously hugged her waist, lowered his head and kissed her again.

Ye Susu blushed and smiled sweetly, "Although he is domineering, I like it very much. But I will never betray you and swear with my life."

Pei Anzhi's smooth eyebrows frowned slightly, and he lowered his hair and gnawed at Ye Susu's red lips.


Ye Susu hurts, and cries out.

"Do you have to say that? Don't let me hear that again."

Pei Anzhi is a little scared now. She only said this not long ago. She had thought that if she could give up her life for herself, he was scared at the beginning.

Shocked, but still believe,

He believed everything she said too much.

"But what I said is true." Although a little afraid of Pei Anzhi's anger, Ye Susu bit the bullet and emphasized it again.

"I believe you are threatening me, you know. You will keep me reminded all day long."

"... Then I won't talk about it later."

Ye Susu certainly didn't want Pei Anzhi to be worried about this. She didn't want him to have any bad emotions.

Some kindly raised his head and kissed Pei Anzhi, feeling that her initiative was the best way to please him.

Pei Anzhi hugged her tightly, no longer just tasting restrainedly as before.

Ye Susu catered to his kiss, reached out and climbed onto Pei Anzhi's shoulder, and kissed deeply. Her initiative and offense even overwhelmed Pei Anzhi.

Surprised by Ye Susu's rare initiative and enthusiasm tonight, Pei Anzhi would certainly not miss it. He bent slightly to hug Ye Susu and walked towards the bed by the window.

Ye Susu crossed his shoulders with his hands, looked at Pei Anzhi, blushing and smiled.

Pei Anzhi's eyes shrank, and Ye Susu gently put Ye Susu on the bed, and then leaned down to look at her, with a bit of eagerness and inquiry in his narrow eyes.

He kissed her lightly, Ye Susu tightened his back, and kissed him back with his body slightly raised.

That way, I want him desperately.

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