Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2359: What's wrong?

"Can't, can't, can't! I'm just impulsive, and I can't restrain my temper. Maybe you talk too much, I'm used to it! No matter what, you have to tell me, have you heard?"

"Okay. From now on?"

Xia Mingxiu nodded in a face.

"What?! What's wrong with me now?!"

Yuan Yao exploded right away, she just raised this matter to explain it clearly?

"Then... I won't say anything?"

Yuan Yao shook her head, gritted her teeth and stared at Xia Mingxiu, saying:

"Say it!"

"Not angry?"

"'……I try my best!"

Seeing Yuan Yao gnashing her teeth, grieving and restraining her forbearance, Xia Mingxiu smiled, lowered her head and held Yuan Yao’s red lips because of displeasure, and arrogantly pried her teeth open and hooked her. The tongue swept her mouth again.

When she felt that she was about to suffocate, he was willing to let her go, pressed her nose, and whispered:

"You now……"

He said, Yuan Yao suddenly became nervous. I really don't know, where is she not doing well now?

She just raised it, he has something wrong with...

Can't you talk about it overnight?

"Let's talk, let's talk, where on earth did I bother you?"

Seeing her breaking the jar, Xia Mingxiu curled her lips and spoke again:

"You are full of steamed buns now."


Yuan Yao was stunned, looking up at Xia Mingxiu blankly, blinking her big eyes, and suddenly reacting. Suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

"Ahhhh...Xia Mingxiu, you can't talk about this, you can't talk about this..."

Yuan Yao pressed her mouth hard, she was ashamed not to know what to do, she could only point at Xia Mingxiu and shout!

What a shame!

Xia Mingxiu looked at him, really amused, and laughed quietly.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh at me!"

"But you smell of buns all over you..."

"Ahhhh... don't say anything!"

Yuan Yao opened her teeth and danced her claws, and rushed to cover Xia Mingxiu's mouth.

The wrist was gently grasped, and Xia Mingxiu handed it to his lips and kissed gently.

Yuan Yao's heart moved, her face flushed even more.

Then quietly watched him continue to gently kiss her white and slender fingers, the back of her hand, the palm of her hand, and the tip of his tongue gently touched her palm.

Yuan Yao's fingers trembled slightly, and her whole body suddenly numb.

Her face became even more red, and she wanted to withdraw her fingers, but Xia Mingxiu held her tightly and harder. He stared at her tightly and took a bite on her slender finger.

Yuan Yao's heart began to beat, watching his eyes look at her, shy, flickering and blurred,


Yuan Yao still changed the subject and interrupted the increasingly uncontrollable atmosphere between the two people.

If this continues, she doesn't know what things will become.

Xia Mingxiu could see her embarrassment. Hearing her words, her eyes flashed lightly, and she wrapped her hand in her palm again, and looked up at the dark sky. The light from the street lamp illuminated the snow flying in the sky very much. Obviously, it looks like a piece of crystal clear crystal.

"Well, the first snow of this year."

Xia Mingxiu's low voice sounded slowly, and Junyi's face was lightly smiling, as if he was particularly satisfied with the snow.

Yuan Yao held her hand in the air, waiting for the snowflakes to fall on her palm.

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