Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2367: So talkative?

"Okay, take care of your injuries!"

After Su Nuan finished speaking, she hung up the phone neatly.

This time, Fan Yiwen was stunned, staring at the phone for a long time.

How easy to talk?

Fan Yiwen was slightly disappointed by Su Nuan's energy that could afford to let go.

This is too simple to put down.

But it's okay, the province is entangled in trouble.

Thinking of this, he suddenly let out a relaxed sigh, his smile on his face with a hint of excitement.


From now on, his life path is magnanimous!

Su Nuan hung up the phone and neatly blocked Fan Yiwen's phone number. Goodbye!

Her temper was upset and her head was clouded. In order to get a certificate, she spent almost thirty-six hours sleepless and busy working together for so long, so she was sent to the door to let people put pigeons at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau? !

Fan Yiwen, your uncle!

She Su Nuan is not stupid, not stupid, not forced, so why do you catch the bully?

The beauty of thinking!

Is it in the hospital?

Think about it carefully, this girl has been abnormal since yesterday!

Was hospitalized in a car accident? !

Dare to lie to me, still thinking about it, Fan Yiwen, why don't you just go to heaven?

Su Nuan bit her back and pressed the groove, and suddenly turned to leave with her bag on her back. When she turned around, she saw a silver-white Land Rover arrogantly parked next to her. Someone was leaning against the car door with a wicked face. He stared at her playfully and smiled.

For Su Nuan’s current temper, the first reaction is to punch that smiling face.

She was so angry that he would be gloating at her with a smile on his face. He doesn't owe Bian, who owes Bian!

But after all, you still have to be sensible!

Xu Junyu, she still can't afford it!

"What a coincidence? What are you doing here?"

Su Nuan wondered, this is the Civil Affairs Bureau!

It feels like it has nothing to do with Xu Jun and his whole life.

A person like him is suitable to find a few confidantes, eat, drink and play freely for a lifetime.

I don't know how true or false his aggressive offensive against Chu Qing a while ago was.

But it’s not bad for Chuqing!

"What are you doing here?" Xu Junyu didn't answer the question, causing Su Nuan to become angry again.

"It's not good to see the scenery!"

Xu Jun smiled with the hooked lips and nodded, "Of course it works! Coincidentally, I also came here to see the scenery!"

Su Nuan gritted his teeth and glared at him, and finally said to Xu Junyu without a smile:

"Then take your time and I won't disturb you! Goodbye!"

Su Nuan lifted his foot to leave, Xu Junyu stepped forward, reached out and hooked the bag on her shoulder, and snatched the bag from Su Nuan's arms with slight force.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Su Nuan glared at Xu Junyu with big eyes full of anger. She reacted very quickly and reached out to grab the bag that Xu Junyu had stolen.

As a result, Xu Jun turned around and got into the car with Su Nuan's bag, and quickly slammed the door shut.

Su Heating yelled, "Xu Junyu, why are you crazy! You return my bag to me!"

Xu Junyu naturally won't bother her!

Su Heating bypassed the car and directly opened the door of his co-pilot.

She froze for a moment, thinking that he would cover the insurance?

But only for an instant, she got in the car.

Then he watched Xu Junyu open her bag in such a grand manner, and started looking through the contents of her bag without any scruples.

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