Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2369: Confiscated account book

Turning his head and wiping the corner of his mouth, Su Nuan turned to look at Xu Junyu, wondering: "You are sick!"

When I said it, I didn't think it was right, so I quickly changed my words: "I mean, where are you sick? Why come to the hospital suddenly?"

"My mother is here, I'll see her."

Su Nuan opened his mouth, "Did you... bring me to see your mother? Uh... I'm sorry, it just happens that I have something to come here. Next time I have time to visit your mother, I wish your mother a sooner Heal! Goodbye!"

After she finished speaking, she looked up at the door of the hospital, her small face instantly gloomy.

He clenched the bag in his hand, got out of the car, gritted his teeth, and walked aggressively towards the hospital.

Xu Junyu looked at her angry back, curled her lips, took out the crimson hukou book from her arms, opened it and looked at it. A family of four,

Father, brother, mother, her.

A family of four looks very happy at first glance, but you can see it a little closer.

Father Zhao Hongshan, brother Zhao Qiming, mother Su Man, she, Su Nuan.

A kind of special family too!

After closing the household registration book, Fang arrived in the storage box of the car, opened the door, got out of the car, and went to the hospital.


In the ordinary ward, Fan Yiwen was happy because of Su Nuan's free and easy life. Today Monday, Chen Chu didn't come to play games with him at work. He didn't bother to move by himself, so he stayed on the bed.

I was thinking about continuing to sleep, but the phone rang suddenly.

I thought it was Su Nuan who came to find him to settle the account, but it seemed that the phone showed that it was Xiao Nana.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and connected the phone with a smile!

"Hey, baby..."

The voice of a delicate woman came from the other end of the phone, and she said so greasy and crookedly for a long time, she just missed him, and asked him to dine with her at night.

Of course Fan Yiwen agreed, "Well, wherever I want to eat, baby, I will accompany you... I love you the most!"

Su Nuan stood outside the door of the ward, listening to the disgusting words of the serious man in the past, she almost wanted to throw up.

No wonder she wanted to dump her, it turned out that Nima had a new love.

She Su Nuan was actually caught three times? !

Not only did she not know, she didn't sleep all night, took the household registration book, and deliberately dressed up like a fool in the Civil Affairs Bureau and waited for him all afternoon!

As a result, everyone here is so tired and crooked thinking about dating!

This scum!

Fan Yiwen in the ward was still on the phone, and the door of the ward was suddenly kicked open!

Seeing the angry Su Nuan standing at the door of the ward, Fan Yiwen was stunned.

"Su... Su Nuan..." He glanced down at the phone that was still on the call, and quickly cut off the phone.

"Su Nuan, don't be impulsive, I can explain it to you slowly."

"Explain to me slowly? Okay, let's talk about it, let me see what kind of explanation you can give me!"

Su Nuan said, entering the ward aggressively, Fan Yiwen jumped out of the hospital bed in shock, and said quickly:

"Su Nuan, don't be impulsive. Be sensible, sensible and warm!"

Su Nuan stood opposite the hospital bed and stood face to face with Fan Yiwen.

Seeing Fan Yiwen’s pretty face, Su Nuan still couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable.

She thought it would be enough for herself to find an ordinary man to marry and have children, which would be plain and stable for a lifetime.

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