Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2379: My chopsticks

There was a large table with pots and pans, but when the food was really started, the waiter actually removed the dishes and chopsticks in front of her! ! Withdrawn! ! !

And until now, she stared at Xu Junyu dryly for more than 20 minutes!

Do you know the concept of twenty minutes?

Is it enough for the sum of her three meals a day? !

This girl did not run away deliberately!

What is this innocent look doing now?

Dare to do it or not? !

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Xu Junyu still looks unclear.


"Huh? Why don't you eat it? Isn't it authentic enough?"

"..." Su Fang said, "How do you let me eat? With bare hands?!"

The voice sounded like it was really angry.

Xu Junyu clenched a fist and put it to his mouth and smiled, looked at Su Nuan's fire-breathing eyes, and said, "What about your chopsticks?"

Su Nuan turned his head and stared at the waiter aside, and said angrily: "Where are my chopsticks?! Why are you taking my chopsticks away?!"

The waiter who was named turned his head and glanced at Xu Junyu. Xu Junyu looked at her, her beautiful phoenix eyes picked up slightly, and a subtle movement was a thousand customs, so that the waiter blushed and his heart jumped instantly. Forget about duty.


Don't forget to seduce women at this time!


Su Nuan gave a heavy cough, and Xu Jun and delicate brows shrugged, smiling and turning to look at Su Nuan.

The waiter also suddenly regained his senses, glanced at Su Nuan, and then realized that he reacted, "Oh sorry miss, the tableware just did not complete the sterilization work because of negligence, we just gave it to you Change it!"


How did she know that the sterilization was not done well, and she even took it away when the dishes came?

The reason not to find is too bad, okay? !


"So? Where are the chopsticks you changed for me?"

"Um... I'm sorry, I'll go get it for you!"

The waiter looked embarrassed, turned around and ran out in a hurry.

It didn’t take long to run back, but a whole set of tableware was placed in front of Su Nuan.

Su Nuan picked up the chopsticks and glanced at the waiter, "I will tell you that you are about to be fired like this! I came to you for dinner, and you didn't even give the tableware. Is this very brain-dead?"

Su’s heating system is broken. Although the words are not very pleasant, they are correct.

The waiter hurriedly apologized and said that he was not, but was interrupted by Su Nuan, "Okay. You met me today. If you meet another great one, I think you will not only leave this restaurant, but the whole No one in Fucheng can want you! Let's grow your heart in the future."

"...Okay, thank you for your reminder."

The waiter responded with duplicity. If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be able to make such a mistake.

Su Nuan pursed her mouth, and said nothing!

Pick up the chopsticks and start eating.

Su Nuan's eyes lit up as soon as the sauerkraut was in the mouth, and he cried when he was moved

That's it!

It really is the taste of their great northeast. ,

Xu Junyu smiled as Su Nuan looked content.

A pair of beautiful phoenix eyes is easy to be fascinated by it,

But it's more like a fox, with a dark belly.

"Eat slowly, no one will fight with you."

Su Nuan ate quickly, her cheeks bulged. When Xu Junyu said this, she shook her head and swallowed the contents of her mouth with difficulty, and said, "This is not a question of grabbing or not. The question of being hungry, understand? I've been down since yesterday and haven't had a bite of rice yet!"

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