Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2383: What must she do?

Not to mention affectionate, she didn't even know what it was like to be emotional.

After all, she didn’t expect much,

It doesn't matter if you don't experience it, and it feels good now. She still has a good memory for things like the end of her emotions.

Just go with the flow,

What age to work, what age to get married, what age to have children, only she will do the same.

Too many people, too many feelings, can't be trusted, it's best to believe in yourself.

Rather than wasting your feelings, it is better to take good care of her mother and herself.

"So, Shao Xu wants to be authentic my Dadongbei stew, right? That..."

"Forget it today. I'll take you somewhere else, you just have to be obedient and obedient all the time."


Although suspicious, Su Nuan's eyes lit up. So, don't you need to invite him to dinner?

This feeling is good!

"Okay! But what are you doing? If you don't tell me in advance, how do I know what I should do then is the so-called obedient?"

Xu Junyu was silent for a while before saying: "...There is nothing to pay attention to, as long as you smile and don't deny anything."

Su Nuan looked at him suspiciously and vigilantly, "How do I feel that it is not a good thing?"

Coincides with the red light.

Xu Junyu turned his head, his beautiful eyes were slightly bent, and his body suddenly leaned toward her. The smile was the originator of the fox.

Those eyes are really beautiful, and the natural upward arc at the end of the eyes is a kind of amorous feelings. He was born a passionate person, passionate and willing to put people in jail easily.

A pair of skins can be used to pluck a woman, not to mention that Xu Junyu can also control this pair of skins. The vitality he gives to this skin is so plump that it is impossible to resist.

Su Nuan was numb with his scalp due to his sudden approach, and his heart jumped wildly.

She just said that she hadn't tasted what it was like to be tempted, so naturally she would not generalize this kind of heartbeat as a heartbeat.

One is that I don't know at all, this may be a kind of heartbeat.

The second reason is that she subconsciously summarized Xu Jun as the man of her friend Mu Chuqing. Even if Chuqing and Xu Junyu had no results, that was a man who was tempted by her good friend. It was a hard-won feeling. Even if Chuqing can't actually own it, it belongs to Chuqing alone.

Any woman can be her own, but it can't be her alone.

Therefore, this preconceived subconscious made her think of nothing else at all.

And she also gave herself a very reasonable reason, nothing more than being shocked by Xu Jun and this sudden move.

When Xu Junyu saw her look, he gently curled her lips before saying:

"Don't worry, it has no effect on you."

Su Nuan frowned and nodded, stretched out a finger and nodded Xu Junyu's shoulder, and nodded him back to the seat.

"That's good. So, I want to help you this time, right? Then that meal between us..."

"Is there any relationship between the two?"

Su Nuan frowned in an instant, is there any more rogue man than him? !

"Where is my hukou?!"

She was too lazy to talk with this young master, anyway, he is rich, he is reasonable!

As long as he returns his hukou to him and invites him to dinner, in the next life.

Xu Junyu glanced at her, "I will give you when the task is completed!"

Su Nuan curled her lips, "Well, don't forget it then."

Anyway, no matter how much she said, Master Xu won't give it anymore!

But, what exactly is his thing about her?

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