Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2396: Harassment call

"Return my account book to me!"


Seeing this message, Xu Junyu unexpectedly laughed out loud!

Looking up at the storage box of the car, he stretched out his hand to open it, and the dark red hukou was still lying quietly in it.

He raised his hand and picked it up, flipping it again at random, and finally held it in his hand, took a photo with his mobile phone, and then tapped a few slender fingers at the screen.

Su Nuan’s text message rang again shortly after it was sent, opened it and took a look, and almost exploded her at night.

The picture is really her family's household registration book, and there are words on the picture.

"If you don't marry, don't marry."

The simple four words are simply poking people's hearts. How many times I have said that, he is specifically mad at her, right?

I wanted to call him and scold him directly, but after thinking about it, she still thought it would be better to offend him less.

Anyway, during the period when she ignored him, it was unlikely that he would do anything excessive with her account book.

When something really happened, she asked Chuqing to let her call the shots.

After thinking about it, she still didn't make a phone call, and really cursed Xu Jun and the scolding.

However, the attitude should be shown.

After a random tap on the phone, look at the photo Xu Jun and just sent to her, and finally click to zoom in and click to save.

Finally, I put my phone under the pillow immediately, pulled the blanket over and fell asleep.

Xu Junyu received a text message.

"Picture P is so ugly. Get out, go to sleep!"

Xu Jun smiled again with lip-pull, and finally took a look at the photo of her just now, and finally nodded, feeling good about herself, and then clicked and saved the picture.


It is a rare weekend that the greatest happiness is to wake up naturally.

But the mobile phone under the pillow rang suddenly, and the sound was vibrating again, and Su Nuan's head, who was drowsily asleep, was almost too big.

Hey, I forgot to turn off the alarm!

Su Nuan closed his eyes and touched the phone, and slid up. The ringtone stopped. Feeling that the world had calmed down, he turned over contentedly, and when he was going to sleep in a daze, the ringtone rang again.

Su Nuan closed her eyes and frowned, the ringing sound getting louder and louder.

She suddenly opened her eyes, picked up the phone and took a look at the phone, the unknown number!

Gritting his teeth, Su Nuan swiped the call button and said angrily: "Which bastard! I warn you, you'd better be something that is about to collapse one day, or I will beat your whole family!"

"Su Nuan, why did you black out my phone number?"

Su Nuan frowned, paused for a while, and said, "Fan Yiwen?"

"……it's me!"

Su Nuan sneered, "Ask me why? Because your girl's head is sick. Fuck you!"

After speaking, Su Nuan hung up the phone.


Turning over, before closing his eyes, the phone rang again.

Su Nuan refused to pick up, hit again, refused to pick up, and came again.

In the end, Su Nuan sneered and switched on.

Fan Yiwen’s anxious voice came from the mobile phone, "Nuan Nuan, I just want to know, are you doing..."


Su Nuan didn't say a word, and Fan Yiwen over there said to herself: "It must be pretty good to hear your tone so energetic just now."


"Nuan Nuan, actually...I had a bad life..."


Fan Yiwen paused deliberately, wanting to hear Su Nuan distressed and caring about him, but Su Nuan still did not say anything. ’

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