Su Nuan sat on the sofa, not knowing what to say for a while.

Mother Su seems to have noticed something, "What's the matter, is the relationship not going well? Is that stinky kid bullying you?!"

At the end of her speech, her voice suddenly rose again, and she stood up to support Su Nuan.

"No mom, who can bully me? You girl is good at it!...just, getting married..."

Su Nuan was entangled. How did she answer this, saying that Fan Yiwen disliked her for being poor and couldn't give him what he really wanted, so he cheated and chose another woman?

She absolutely believes that her mother will cut Fan Yiwen off!

Although the deflated calf was chopped into mashed meat without screaming for him, she really didn't want her mother to know about it.

Especially when she was dumped by Fan Yiwen.

"What's going on with the marriage? Su Nuan, you have been talking for a long time, and you are not serious, right! Chirp, chirp, give me a little bit of speech!" Su's mother's voice rose again. A few degrees.

Su Nuan shrank her neck in fright. Look, everyone now says that she is clean and tidy, and she is not procrastinated. This reputation is really forced by her mother since she was a child. This voice is still not in person. Her mother is angry. , A stare in both eyes can make a person's legs soft, let alone other things.

"Mom... You see how I am also a big girl. If people don't propose to me, I'm not proactive..."

Anyway, she puts the blame on others, it's not her, and her mother can't control others.

"What's the matter? He doesn't propose to marry you, please!"

Uncle, please!

Let her propose to that crippled man, beautiful him!

"Mom, it's better for girls to stay a little bit more reserved, I...I'm almost overwhelmed..."

"...Also, you can't be too active, otherwise you really get married, and men don't know how to cherish, so let him come... Then don't be idle, and remind him overtly and secretly...the boss is not young..."

"Hmm, I know, I will."

Su Nuan promised again and again, and finally let go, she really didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, making trouble.

"Okay, let's see you guys. I'll just hang up if it's okay. What about you... Don't keep giving me instant noodles, know?!"

"Yeah, I got it, I got it! Then I died without a problem, the water has been boiling for a long time."

"That's it, you go quickly, I'll hang up. If Xiao Faner really proposes to you, don't hold it. If you agree to it, then agree! You get married, I really feel relieved, you know? Your brother will be back next month!"

Su Nuan's hand holding the phone suddenly tightened, her heart suddenly tightened, and her whole person looked a little nervous.

No wonder, her mother has been urging her to get married recently, and today she gave her the real reason.

She wants to marry her before Zhao Qiming comes back, so that there will be too many unnecessary troubles.

Su Nuan did not speak for a while, and Mother Su sighed, "Nuan Nuan, you are not too young anymore. Let's not delay the age when we should get married. Besides, you... there really is no time to let you dragged……"

"Mom, don't tell me, I know."

Su Nuan suddenly interrupted Su's mother, "I know what to do, get married, I will get married, and I will definitely get married before he comes back!"

Mother Su sighed deeply over there, "Okay, okay, you know it yourself. I'll hang up first!"

"Well, goodbye mom!"

"Well, you have to take good care of yourself."

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