Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2401: Marriage only

The dialog box popped up quickly. The other party's name was Song Qing, and he said directly: "Hello, meeting place."

This is really refreshing!

Su Nuan thought for a while and replied: "You decide!"

"Well, see you at the neon cafe across the street from Jinhua Hall."

Well, the famous leisure place in Fucheng is so high-end, shouldn't it be too showy!

However, she likes it.

"Okay. Two o'clock on Sunday afternoon, see or leave!"

"it is good."

Since then, the two have not said much.

Su Nuan jumped up from the sofa, and she was so happy in her heart. She was really too smart. This kind of thing could make her want.

Homosexuality is good, homosexuality is wonderful!

True love is invincible!

Su Nuan, who was relieved, had an appetite instantly, boiled the instant noodles again, threw herself on the bed after eating, and continued to sleep relaxedly.

So in the evening, Su Nuan urged me sadly, it can be said that he slept for a whole day, and he felt as if he had taken stimulants at night.

What to do?

I’m hungry, so I’m ready to go out and skewers.

Put on your jeans, put on a loose T-shirt that covers your butt, stuff two hundred yuan bills in your **** pocket, and go out!

Although this community is old, but the terrain is good, the city management is strict, no one here dared to open a small stall.

If you want to eat something good, you can get to a hutong with two bus stops. There are many stalls in it. If you want it, it’s not bad here.

Su Nuan had a spicy spicy meal first, and then he smashed a few skewers. Holding a bottle of iced mineral water in his hand, he walked back slowly. After eating too much, he walked back at two stops. More than one o'clock.

Hiccups while walking.

I don’t know whether it’s called Mala Tang or BBQ Chuanzi.

In short, the taste is not well described.

But halfway through, Su Nuan's phone rang, took a look at the call log, Su Nuan answered.


"Master Xu, if you plan to give me the hukou tonight, I will tell you, if it is not the hukou, then you should leave it alone."

I don’t see a sign during the day, but I call at night. This is typical...

Wipe, too lazy to say.

Xu Jun and Yiting Su Nuan rejected him so much, and were so purposeful, a little unhappy.

A straightforward sentence: "Forget it!"


Unexpectedly, Xu Jun would come to the meeting, Su Nuan hurriedly stopped.

"What are you doing? Don't you have nothing to tell me except for the account book?"

"Yeah! So, when will you return the hukou to me?"

"If you don't marry, don't you!"

Su Nuan took the mobile phone from her ear, waved the bottle of mineral water in her hand and hit the phone microphone invisibly.

Xu Junyu, who just came out of Su Nuan district not far away, happened to see this scene in the car.

She was amused by her secret actions, so she stopped the car and fell back, stopping there to watch Su Nuan perform alone.

Naturally, Su Nuan couldn't stand alone on the road and get wind like a fool, and put the phone back on his ear again.

"Xu Shao, can we stop making trouble? Please, just as I beg you, return my household registration book to me. I will use it in a hurry these two days."

Xu Junyu frowned, "What are you doing?"

"I..." It's okay to meet Song Qing tomorrow, but you have to register directly.

It's just a marriage.

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