She raised her head, frowned, and did not give the staff a good face.

She usually hates going to such counters the most. As soon as people stop there, these counter staff will immediately come up and ask if you need help,

Does she have no mouth when she needs help?

Can they wait until she yells, can they move around again?

The speed is so fast, it seems that your legs are long!

Annoying, the original mood of watching it was lost by half.

She didn't buy it, even if she did, she couldn't bear it.

Oh, when people stop there, they just buy things. Isn’t it wrong to stop even if you don’t buy?

In the end, with a eloquent mouth, he exaggerated the products he sold, and even recommended a lot of things to them, no matter what was appropriate or inappropriate, and finally gave them a face if they didn't buy it.

Ma Dan, the more I want to get angry.

She has been so pitted by the salesperson of the cosmetics counter. It is enough to sell cosmetics, skin care products, clothes, jewelry, and even go to the supermarket to buy a package of sanitary napkins and introduce new products to you. !

Seeing that Su Nuan’s eyes were obviously wrong, the staff immediately realized that they were too tight, and said quickly: "I'm sorry to disturb you, but if you tell me what you think, I will introduce you to the one that suits you best. Jewelry."

Sometimes these customers are difficult to serve. If you let them watch, she feels that you are looking down on them and neglect them. If you ask frequently, they will be annoying you again.

It's really hard to serve.

She complained secretly in her heart.

Su Nuan on one side heard her words, but also sneered, "What is suitable and inappropriate, I said this is the most suitable for me, what do you think?"

The staff member looked down at the ring Su Nuan was pointing at, and his eyes lit up instantly!

It's the 99999 yuan diamond ring!

She nodded and said with a smile: "Miss has a really good vision. This is a peach blossom product that our brand has just launched. Currently, only single-product rings are available. Miss, you are the first customer!"

Su Nuan hummed, "Peach Blossom Series? That's not a coincidence, I prefer cherry blossoms!"

The smile on the staff's face froze, "Miss, actually... the peach blossoms look a lot like the cherry blossoms..."

Like your sister!

What if she said she likes peonies?

Isn’t it the same?

"It doesn't look like it again!"

Su Nuan shrugged innocently and disappointedly, turned and walked outside the store.


The staff member still wanted to stay, but was pulled by a colleague next to him, and said with a disdainful face: "Stop calling. This kind of person is just pretending to be a young lady. If he can't afford it, he makes all kinds of excuses. The appearance of the subordinate high above, I said that I didn't like it, I just wanted to die in my heart."

The staff just now gave a cold snort after listening, the voice was not small, it seemed that it was deliberately let Su Nuan, who hadn't walked out of the store, heard it.

"Hehe, I think it looks like it too. A princess's fate is not something everyone has..."

Su Nuan grinned, her smile looked a little cold.

Princess fate, she is not rare.

"You two, keep your voice down. If people don't buy it, don't buy it. But if others don't buy it, it's not good."

A little girl with a round face on the side said in a timid voice, she had just come here to work for three months, although she was not more beautiful than the two people in front of her, and her small and slender figure was naturally not better than them, but The little round face smiled with two deep dimples. It looks sweet and easy-going. People who come to pick jewelry involuntarily like to go to her side. Therefore, although it has a certain disadvantage in appearance, the performance is also Placed there, in this high-end shopping mall, it is enough to stand firm.

When the two staff members heard her say this, because of her height, they gave her a condescending look, then rolled their eyes to the sky and vented their disdainful nostrils.

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