Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2407: Prefer cherry blossoms?

The woman was named on the spot, she was excited, completely ignoring the jealous gaze of the woman next to her who had just been chatting with her, she greeted her with a smile on her face, and said softly:

"Okay gentleman, the lady who just left, is watching this new peach blossom series that our brand has just released, and currently only this female ring is released. But the lady seems to say In comparison, she personally prefers cherry blossoms. But it is not clear whether the cherry blossom series will be released."

Xu Jun and looked down at the ring. The platinum ring was in the shape of a circle of peach blossoms. The design on the top seemed to be a half-opened peach blossom in the state of being about to shine in the branches. The sparkling pink diamond shines on it.

A peach blossom that is about to bloom should symbolize that a passionate first love is in full bloom.

Although I haven't directly asked the staff here, Xu Jun and himself guessed that they are inseparable from each other. These designers like to design things with cliché meanings, a little bit more romantic, specifically to entrap the women Pursue romantic heart all the time.

However, women all eat this set.

He lowered his head and glanced at the ring lying there again, and the corners of his lips hooked.

Like cherry blossoms more than peach blossoms?

This is interesting.

"Actually, sir, the lady just didn't look like she was going to buy something, and at this price, it doesn't mean you just buy it. If you..."

Xu Junyu suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the round-faced staff who was standing and looking here.

The little girl was stunned for a moment, and finally ran over and said with a smile: "Sir, can I help you?"

Xu Jun and the two small dimples that looked at each other and laughed, smiled and nodded, "Well, come, get closer."

Xu Junyu hooked her finger at her. The round-faced girl raised her head and glanced at her colleague standing in front of Xu Junyu. The person frowned and stared at her fiercely. The place was let out.


The round-faced girl received the colleague's sight, a little embarrassed, but still smiled and looked at Xu Junyu.

Xu Junyu watched her smile cutely, lowered his head, glanced around in the glass cabinet, and saw a pair of simple apple-shaped earrings.

"This, take it out for me."

The round-faced girl immediately put on white gloves, took out the pair of ear studs that Xu Junyu was pointing at, and handed them to Xu Junyu.

Xu Jun reached out his hand to stop. When she was puzzled, she said: "You put it on and have a look!"

"Huh? Sir, company regulations..."

The round-faced girl was a little flustered. These jewelry are all light luxury brands. They dare not even touch them with bare hands. How could they have to try them on?

If the store manager knows, she will definitely be fired.

"Let you wear it, just wear it. According to the company's regulations, doesn't your company stipulate that customers are God?"

"...It's stipulated!" The little girl's tone was a little aggrieved.

"Then put it on for me, so I can decide whether to buy it or not."


The little girl couldn’t help but glanced at the two colleagues next to her, and saw that one or two of them were looking at her happily. If the other party didn’t buy it, this pair of earrings would have to be sent back to the processing factory to be cleaned again. Saying that the customer is a god, but letting God try it on but not selling it, that means your staff is incapable of being scolded by the store manager, or even deducting performance. That is all possible.

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