
Su Nuan clasped her hands tightly together, and she was always worried.

After meeting her mother in a while, what kind of expression should she use to face her.

After all, secretly taking out the hukou and marrying a man she had never heard of before, she might have to suffer a broomstick in private.

Xu Junyu stood aside, wearing super black, standing straight and stiff, and didn't know how he did it. The insanity that seemed to be born in the past is unruly, but now he can't see it at all. He is standing at her right now. By his side, he was very magnificent, tall and slender, unspeakable grace and elegance, but a little more calm.

Discovered Xu Jun and a new skill-will transform.

Seeing Su Nuan’s nervous look, Xu Junyu raised his hand to put Su Nuan’s shoulder.

Su Nuan was taken aback by an exciting spirit, and looked up at him suspiciously.

"What are you doing?"

"Hug you!"

Su Nuan frowned, looked at the hands on her shoulders, and said: "I don't know, you think you are a normal person, and taking advantage of a woman can be so accurate!"

Xu Junyu's fingers tightened slightly, but he forgot about it.

"No way, practice makes perfect."

Su Nuan curled her lips, knowing that he was showing off that the woman he used to be able to catch up with Fragrant Piaopiao can’t wait to circle the earth a few times, and don’t want to entangle him too much with his glorious deeds in the past, now she is more, should be How to avoid the coming violent beating.

She had been expecting her mother not to show up so soon, but she would still come if she should come.

Standing by Xu Junyu in the outer fence, when he saw Su Man's figure walking swiftly along the flow of people with a stern face, Su Nuan took a sip of water in fear, and yelled at Su Man over the railing: " Mom! Here!!"

Su Man paused, and looked towards her. He glanced at Xu Junyu who was holding Su Nuan. Xu Junyu also just withdrew his hand from Su Nuan's shoulder. Standing there, he showed a kind of decent and respectfulness for no reason.

Su Man quickened his pace and gave her a cool look when passing by Su Nuan.

Su Nuan's body shuddered severely.

After receiving the person, Su Nuan looked around and asked, "Are you alone?"

"No, your Uncle Zhao, and..."

Su Man's words were not finished yet, a gentle and unfamiliar tone rang behind her.


Because in front of the elders, Xu Jun and the one who did not stand very close to Su Nuan, hugged him.

But he still saw through the super black face that Su Nuan suddenly stiffened after hearing this shout, and her face turned pale in an instant.

Su Man also gave Su Nuan anxiously, stretched out her hand and gently held her hand.

Xu Junyu watched this series of actions, and frowned tightly. He wanted to see how this man named Su Nuan "Nuan Nuan" managed to make Su Nuan such sturdy Of women are afraid.

Su Nuan turned around slowly and saw Zhao Qiming and Zhao Hongshan pushing their luggage and walking towards her with a smile.

Zhao Hongshan's smile is as loving as ever, and it is a bit sincere, but she really doesn't care as long as he treats her mother well and is insincere to her.

And what she can’t ignore is Zhao Qiming. The tall and handsome man seems to be more attractive now. Perhaps the Chinese who have been abroad for a long time, if not the kind of arrogant person who feels that he has gone to heaven after going abroad, It was a man like Zhao Qiming, who was gentle and elegant and even seemed to have a little flamboyant temperament.

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