Su Nuan rounded her eyes unexpectedly, unable to maintain her balance, and rushed towards the sofa...

Knowing that this pounce cannot be avoided, but seeing that she is about to pounce on Xu Junyu's body, her body tilted, her only thought was to change direction, at least not to pounce on Xu Junyu's body.

Xu Junyu watched her deviate from the direction, a dark light flashed in the bottom of her eyes, and his subordinates used a bit of force upwards.

Su Nuan pounced on the sofa aside, and Xu Junyu seemed to be drawn by Su Nuan's strength because of the force of just shaking his hand, half-rising and pressing Su Nuan's body.

He was still holding Su Nuan's hand tightly in his hand, imprisoned on top of her head. Because of an "accident", the noses of the two people were close to their noses. Between the two, Su Nuan's nervous blinking movements led The slender eyelashes fluttered Xu Junyu's eyelids.

She was so nervous at the moment that she could not sustain herself, and her head was blank.


Both people froze at the same time.

Because Su Nuan was so nervous that she subconsciously called Xu Junyu, her mouth that had to be pouted because of the word "Xu" just touched Xu Junyu's lips.

Xu Junyu just wanted to tease Su Nuan, but he didn't expect that this was the case now.

I don’t know if it’s because I feel happy watching Su Nuan’s nervous look, or because Su Nuan’s two long rows of eyelashes not only tickled his eyelids, but also his heart itch, so he moved slightly...

The lips that the two people just touched lightly were pressed a little bit by him.

Su Nuan's body stiffened again, and the hand he was holding began to struggle subconsciously.

However, Xu Junyu was pressed hard, because he was confined to the top of the head, it was difficult to use strength, Su Nuan could not break free, but Xu Junyu’s lips still rubbed her lips at this moment. When she struggled, she deepened the kiss again.

Su Nuan's heart was not beating and wishing to jump out of her chest, but a long suffocation.

His kiss was as soft as a cool mousse against her lips, tossing and turning, and finally found an accurate entrance in the crevice of her lips, tentative and unstoppable. With the strength of refusal, the kiss instantly occupied her lips and teeth, and gradually deepened, gently with a kind of endless thread.

For the first time in my life, the real kiss, that feeling, cannot be accurately described in words.

She was like a bug lying on the leaf, and the leaf was floating in the slowly flowing stream, drifting with the flow, and she was so dizzy that she could only cling to the leaf tightly.

Xu Jun and Su Nuan's hands became harder and harder, and the kisses continued to deepen.

He had never thought that this sturdy woman would be so fascinating when kissing, and there would be thoughts of not wanting to stop.

Su Nuan was a little lost when he was kissed, and the ambiguous sound of water caused by the kiss suddenly remembered in her ears. Xu Jun and the weight of her body seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. She also seemed to have reacted, moving slightly. But Xu Junyu kissed harder.

She let go of her tight breathing, and she hummed softly.

This soft cry made Xu Junyu who was busy suddenly stiffen up.

And Su Nuan's face was already red.

She...her voice, how could it sound so delicate...

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