Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2483: Stick to the heart

Late at night, I obviously felt that my energy had been overdrawn, but I still didn't feel sleepy at all.

Zhao Qiming's appearance today caught her off guard.

Knowing that he would not let go, but he did not expect that he, who has been peacefully settled, suddenly appeared at her door today.

Xu Junyu also came today, which was also very surprised, but I have to say that after Zhao Qiming left, she was really lucky when she saw him.

It is impossible to describe the feeling of instant relaxation in my heart when I saw Xu Junyu instead of Zhao Qiming outside the door.

just like……

She was forced to a desperate situation, suddenly a hero suddenly appeared beside her.

That is an extremely reassuring peace of mind.

At that moment, he was her hero.

How much fear Zhao Qiming brought her, Xu Junyu impressed her at that time.

It's a pity that he is just a hero who comes and goes without a trace, and won't stay long in her life.

The love between two people begins with helplessness and finally becomes complete.

If one day he really likes other women, or he can see things with his eyes, then the relationship between two people will come to an end, right?

Su Nuan sighed and blinked gently.

What is this feeling of loss?

Isn't these things a matter of course?

She couldn't become so greedy just because Chuqing had something wrong.

Even if Chu Qing didn't love Xu Junyu, the two of them, aside from Xu Junyu's feelings, at least they were still friends.

There is only so much loss, she sees Chuqing's face, and she has to take good care of him.

Well, she needs Xu Junyu to stop Zhao Qiming and give her mother an explanation.

Xu Junyu has her responsibility to become so, she should take care of him.

She still sees Chu Qing's face and needs to take care of him even more.

the above.

After sorting out these things, Su Nuan let out a sigh of relief.

What else is there? Naturally, she would not like it from beginning to end... No, she would not fall in love with anyone.

Stick to your heart, and only when you hold it, will you not experience more pain.

When the time comes, letting go will naturally be free and easy.

She yawned for a long time, rubbed her eyes, but still stared at the ceiling hard, refusing to close her eyes.

She'd better not fall asleep on this sofa.

Don't sleep, don't sleep, don't sleep in my heart.

But in the end, she fell asleep with a nervous heart.

Falling asleep with a heart of resistance, what is afraid of, but what happens.

In a daze, that familiar nightmare again.

The blood under the ****, the scream of the ****, the hideous face of the ****.

Qian Junfeng's angry face, the raised frame, the back holding the ****, and finally the **** sight, the blurry and blood-red world she saw, and the pain that spread from the head to the whole body!

"It's not me...ah..."

"It hurts... I hurt..."

Xu Jun, who had just been asleep in the bedroom for a short time, suddenly opened his eyes amid a groan that came from the living room.

He lay on the bed and listened quietly for a while, and found that it was really Su Nuan's voice.


What happened to her?

Sitting up, he paused again, lifted the quilt and got out of the bed.

Opening the door of the room, his eyes suddenly narrowed due to a burst of light, and when he adjusted to the light, his eyes were placed on the sofa again.

The moan continued, and the person on the sofa seemed to be asleep.

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