Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2485: Can it be the same?

"You just had a nightmare?"

Xu Jun frowned and frowned, deliberately ignoring Su Nuan's just action.

Su Nuan was taken aback, sat up in the corner of the sofa, reached out to wipe the tears off his face, and then shook his head without speaking.

Xu Jun twitched, "Are you dumb?"

Su Nuan raised her head and glared at him, touching those straight eyes, which made her react a little.

But he forgot what he couldn't see.

"Just dreamed of a messy dream, a bit nonsense, I don't want to talk about it."

Her eyes flashed, looking at Xu Jun and Dao:

"Why did you come here?"

Xu Jun and Shen Sheng said, "You were crying, and the deaf person was also awakened by you."

Su Nuan shook her head, "No, right? You can't see it, how can you come here..."

Xu Jun was silent for a while, and said:

"How do you look down on me, a blind man? I walked the way from the bedroom to the sofa!"

Su Nuan frowned, "You mean, if you only go to one place once, you can go a second time by yourself?"

At the end of her speech, her tone was unbelievable, searching, doubting, and excited.

If this is the case, wouldn't she save trouble in the future?

"It depends. If I don't want to, I can't do it."


Su Nuan was speechless for a long time. It sounded like what he said, what is it?

"Help me back to the room."

Su Nuan's face wrinkled, "Why?"

"I can't see it!"

"But you just came out of the bedroom by yourself? You have gone the second time. Can't you go the third time?"

Xu Junyu stood up and said coldly:

"Can it be the same?"

"What's different?!"

"I just came out, now I am going back."

What about machine guns? Please give her a hand and let her blast off the scourge on the spot.

Provincial directly **** her off.

"you do this delibrately!"

"Naturally not intentional."

In the end, Su Nuan compromised again and got up and grabbed Xu Junyu's arm.

"Let's go."

But the next second, Xu Jun and Nan held the wine glass in her hand.

She subconsciously drew back, but Xu Junyu's voice rang at this moment, "Why are my hands so cold?"

Su Nuan's hand stiffened, she glanced at her hand held, and said lightly: "It's okay."

"I asked why it is so ice?!"

Xu Junyu's tone suddenly increased, and she asked her coldly again.

She looked at the living room, and just opened her mouth to speak, she heard Xu Junyu say again: "Don't tell me because it's cold in this living room. Before you speak, don't treat the person you want to fool as a fool."

Su Nuan choked, vomiting in her heart.

Ascaris in the belly?

He knows what she wants to say?

"I was scared just dreaming, okay."

"So, what nightmare is it that scares a sturdy woman like you into this way?"

Su Nuan did not speak, and directly pulled Xu Jun forward,

Her silence made Xu Junyu's heart more irritable.

"Su Nuan, since you intend to let me protect you, there should be nothing to hide from me."

"...Here, you go to bed quickly."

Su Nuan's repeated escapes directly brought Xu Jun and Yin Ren's anger to the climax.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and threw Su Nuan onto the bed. Before Su Nuan could react, he bowed his head and pressed her hands firmly on top of her head.

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