Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2488: I do not love you

Xu Junyu, who is now in such a contradiction, is a bit unable to fight, and the two people's late-night topic, it is better to end it now.

She turned around to leave, Xu Junyu's voice sounded from behind again.

"Su Nuan." He was calling her.

There were two of them in the room, and she couldn't pretend not to hear.

Seeing her stop, Xu Junyu said again, "I think, in the middle of the night, a man and a woman, there are only a few things to do."

"..." Su Nuan pursed her lips, bowed her head and said nothing. He has always been accustomed to this. When the atmosphere between the two people is clearly embarrassing, he will say something insignificant to avoid everything.

If you feel embarrassed or the atmosphere is wrong, isn’t it the right choice to end the conversation?

Simple and rude,

Suitable for everyone.

Why say such things against your own temper,

She clicked on her forehead, sighed, and said helplessly: "Xu Junyu, I think the most important thing for us now is to sleep in our own sleep. We should understand, I understand. Stupid mistakes, I will not make again. "

"One, go to bed, do some things that couples should do. Two, go to bed, chat with quilts. You choose whatever you want."

"……Stop it."

"Three, I throw you to bed, and then do whatever I want."


Su Nuan gritted her teeth, glared at him, directly ignored his words, and strode out of the bedroom.

She didn't believe that he was a blind man, how could she throw her into bed!

This thought had just formed in her head, the next second she was pulled from behind by someone, and finally she was hugged sideways and threw it onto the bed.

The movements are clean and tidy, not at all what a blind person should do.


As soon as Su Nuan's voice got up, Xu Junyu immediately went to bed.

Then he pressed her in his arms.

Su Nuan struggled naturally.

"The current choice is pure chat under a quilt. If you are not obedient anymore, I don't mind another option."

Su Nuan stopped moving, but she still said, "Xu Junyu, can you not do such contradictory things. In fact, it is not good for me to be so close to me. I am a woman after all."

"you are my wife."

Xu Junyu’s words made Su Nuan a headache.

This wife, in a sense, doesn't count as much.

When will he contradict,

"Yes, we got the marriage certificate, and we will get married soon. I am your wife, but you and I understand that I am the wife who must not be responsible for the end."

Xu Junyu's eyebrows furrowed tightly, and he squeezed Su Nuan's shoulder hard, her shoulders hurting with the force of the closed fingers.

"Maybe what I said before was not clear enough, but I thought you should also understand it. Or do you think that Xu Jun and I will get married in this life?"

Su Nuan was stunned.

He... what does this mean?

"If you really think so, it's a pity that you don't even think about it."

"Xu Junyu, this is not quite right."

"What's wrong?"

"You do not love me."

"Do you love me?"

Su Nuan was startled, tilted his head and looked at Xu Junyu's face, really handsome like a fox...fine.

However, she just did a self-examination.

"No. I don't love you."

Xu Jun and his eyebrows moved slightly, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly. It wasn't obviously a smile, but only he knew that it was a sneer with an angry sneer when he pressed it down.

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