Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2497: Tore up the strong coat, fragile becomes more fragile

He stretched out his hand to hold Su Nuan tightly in his arms, but Su Nuan cried again.

That kind of tone is extremely difficult to understand, anger is filled with grievance and pity,

"Beat me and scold me, I recognize it! I did something wrong and I should be punished, but he can't hit me with the frame of our family portrait?! That woman is pregnant with his child, but I am his daughter too?! "

Xu Junyu's eyes suddenly narrowed!

Most of them are a smiling fox and give people a kind of neither anger nor prestige, at this moment full of hostility.

He has only one idea now, and that is to slash the man who is completely unqualified to call Su Nuan's father.

"My mother didn't do anything to sorry him, and I have always respected him, no matter how bad, am I his relative or an enemy?"

Su Nuan couldn't help crying anymore. The things that had accumulated deep in her heart for many years are now being thrown out. Once the emotion that has been suppressed by her erupts, it seems completely impossible to take it back. thing.

Just like a person with a tendency to self-masochistic, seeing the red blood constantly overflowing from him and the real pain it brings will make people extraordinarily excited. The more I don't want to stop, I want more and more greedily.

This is how Su Nuan is now.

"I really don't understand. In what kind of mood he almost used all his strength to shoot the picture frame on the wall towards my head? Even a stranger would not make such a picture. Things!"

She didn't understand, she really didn't understand.

"I hurt, of course I hurt... distressed, headache, whole body hurt... I hurt..."

Su Nuan cried heartbreakingly. From childhood to adulthood, this was probably the most embarrassing time she had ever cried. She couldn't stop even if she wanted to stop.

Although Xu Jun and the cruelty in his eyes remained undiminished, they were now covered by heavy guilt and distress.

He reached out and hugged Su Nuan in his arms, reached out to wipe the tears on her face,

Those eyes that were always languishing in front of Su Nuan have recovered their clarity at this moment, and their slender fingers landed accurately on the corners of her eyes. He wanted to help her wipe away those eye-catching tears, but it seems that those tears are no longer there. I can't finish it.

"Enough, Su Nuan, don't cry."

He regretted it very much now. If she hadn't forced her to tell him this, now, she wouldn't cry so much.

She is still that strong-looking, worry-free woman,

He had never seen her cry, perhaps because they hadn't really been in contact for a long time, but even if he knew that Mu Chuqing had an accident before, he had never seen her like this.

However, if a sentence of "Don't cry" can stop Su Nuan from crying at this moment, then what is the meaning of so many years of depression?

She also thought, but she couldn't help it.

Sometimes hypocritical, it may really be a behavior that people do unconsciously, even if they hate such self.

The collapse of Su Nuan left Xu Junyu completely helpless.

His heart was upset by Su Nuan's crying. No woman had ever cried like this in front of him, and she was a woman who never thought that one day she would cry like this.

But because of this, he knew better how much effort it took for a person who could be so vulnerable to become so cheerful and optimistic.

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