Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2506: Did not take care of

She murmured, the eyes staring at the wedding dress suddenly became tender, and the temperament of the whole person softened a little, and she looked calmly and beautifully.

The two assistant designers holding the wedding dress stared at her in a daze. Unexpectedly, this woman who looked relatively strong in the market at first glance could be so calm and gentle.

Then they laughed again.

After all, she is still a woman. There is no woman who does not expect to wear the most beautiful wedding dress.

"Trouble Mrs. Xu, take off your clothes, right?"

One of the women warned, her voice was very soft.


Su Nuan responded, raising her hand to say that she wanted clothes, remembering something suddenly, and turning his head to look at the bed.

Sure enough, Xu Jun and Zheng were smiling and facing here.

Su Nuan was suddenly embarrassed, "Can you go out first?"

The air was silent for a few seconds, "Who are you talking to?"

"Follow you!" Su Nuan said grimly, he could still pretend not to know such an obvious thing.

"No. Why am I out?"

"Because I want to undress."

"Why do I go out when you undress?"


"We are a husband and wife, we have done everything we should see and touch, let alone I still can't see it now, what are you awkward?"

Su Nuan blinked, and took a look at Xu Junyu's eyes, then realized.

She looked up at the two assistant designers opposite and murmured:

"That's right. He can't see it, it's weird I always forget about it."

The two assistant designers glanced at Xu Junyu who was not far away, and when they saw Xu Junyu looking at them with a faint smile, there was a strong warning in those hooking eyes.

They withdrew their eyes in an instant, and quickly responded, "Yes, husband and wife, we all understand."

Resolutely refrain from mentioning Xu Jun and the problems that his eyes cannot see.

Su Nuan pursed her mouth and said nothing.

Their focus is completely different.

However, her focus seems to be fine.

After wondering whether Xu Jun would see her, she didn't have much estimation. She glanced at the two women with embarrassment on her face.

Although they are all women, they are also strangers, so they are a bit awkward.

So she tilted her body slightly, faced Xu Junyu straight, grabbed the hem of her pajamas, and pushed her head over.

Xu Junyu's eyes condensed suddenly,

She is not wearing underwear...

A pair of soft whites stood up even more as she raised her arms, and then trembled slightly as she took off her clothes.

A violent visual impact made him a little bit overwhelmed.

The time he saw her the most was that time at the hotel.

He stripped her naked, but still kept the last two clothes. At that time, he casually glanced at her, subconsciously thinking that her figure is not bad.

After all, there is a bra blocking it, which is of course much different from the unobstructed intuition now.

Although I decided to stay here and not leave, this appearance should be expected, but I was still a little shocked.

Su Nuan was totally surprised by Xu Jun's psychological activities at this moment.

After undressing, he walked directly to the bed and threw the undressed clothes onto the bed, then bent over and took off his pajamas, revealing a pair of slender jade-white legs.

She was born in sports at the time, and the body shape she formed in the early stage seems to be fixed, so her legs look very delicate, there is no excess fat, and the flat belly can faintly see the beautiful line of the waistcoat.

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