Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 254: Men's rights?

"Why should I spend your money?"

Mu Chuqing turned her head to the side, her smooth forehead frowned.

Xu Junyu stared at Mu Chuqing solemnly for a long time, their expressions narrowed, and their long eyebrows frowned, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Who said it was for you? These are all meeting gifts for my daughter! Don't I even have this right?"

Xu Jun compromised with his tone, speaking slowly, as if he was trying to suppress something.

Mu Chuqing moved, her eyes swaying a little.

"A gift is fine, but you don't have to. Xu Junyu, you have deprived me of my right to be a mother!"

Xu Junyu grinned and put his hand on Mu Chuqing's shoulder.

"It's a man's power to feed a family!"

An irritability suddenly surged from his heart, and he threw Xu Jun and the arm on her shoulder away.

Then he turned around, raised his head, and greeted Xu Jun and the handsome face with indifference and determination.

"Women are never weak. We have hands and feet, enough to support ourselves and our family. What is the power of a man? Male chauvinism! Straight male cancer! Hegemony! Each of you defines breadwinner as right , Did you eat the word responsibility?"

The most important thing Ye Yun taught her is that women should not rely on men blindly.

Although even Ye Yun has no say in herself!

"Mu Chuqing, can you shut up? I didn't come to fight with you today!"

Xu Junyu just barely put on a smile on his face and became a little bit cold. It is the power of a man to support his family. Who else has said this to him?

Opening your mouth and closing your mouth is "you"!

Except Sheng Yuchen, he couldn't think of anyone else!

Is Sheng Yuchen's existence so indelible at all times?

He didn't know, since when on earth he could tolerate it.

"I didn't plan to quarrel with you, I have the right to express my opinion!"


Suppressing his temper, Xu Junyu gave her a fierce look, and dragged Mu Chuqing towards the car.

"Let go of me, I can go by myself!"

Mu Chuqing had a big temper and naturally refused to be dragged by Xu Jun and force.


Xu Junyu cursed in a low voice, and bent over to carry Mu Chuqing on his shoulders.


Mu Chuqing took a sigh of relief, and all the people at the entrance of the mall looked towards here, shame and angry.

"Xu Junyu, let me down!"


Xu Junyu grabbed the car key from Mu Chuqing's hand, opened the door, and threw Mu Chuqing onto the co-pilot's seat, then slammed the door shut and hurried towards the driving seat.

"Xu Jun and..."

"If you talk nonsense with me again, I will drive you to a deserted place, and kill you first, believe it or not!"

Mu Chuqing opened her mouth, did not speak any more, just fastened her seat belt quietly.

Although she didn't believe it, she felt that there was no need to argue about one thing.

What's more, Xu Junyu seemed to be really angry.

Seeing that Mu Chuqing stopped talking, Xu Jun and his head glared at her. Seeing her aggrieved, the anger in his heart also disappeared in half.

This dead woman!

After starting the car and leaving, a man at the gate of the mall just got on the phone.

"Boss, Mr. Xu went to Li Shi today, and Miss Mu came out with him, and she just went to the children's area together and bought the entire children's suite furniture and a lot of toys!"

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