Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2510: Am I very pitiful

In this comparison, she seemed a bit too slender.

"Xu Jun and--"

Su Nuan couldn't bear it, gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Jun and the hand that was doing mischief on her body, "You can't just take advantage of me like this by relying on your blindness! It's too much!"

"My bride wears a wedding dress for me. I can't see it and can't touch it anymore? Wouldn't I be pitiful?"


The voices of Xu Jun and the pitiful baba were so wronged, almost crying.

The anger that had just gathered in Su Nuan's chest dissipated instantly, and she couldn't help feeling that Xu Junyu was really pitiful.

"Even if you touch it, you don't know what it really looks like..."

"That's better than not touching it."


Su Nuan gritted his teeth!

alright, you win!

After Xu Junyu was completely satisfied, he released Su Nuan with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yes, I probably know what it looks like."

Does this know?

"What does it look like?"

Xu Junyu curled her lips, chuckled close to her, "It looks beautiful."

Su Nuan's face flushed suddenly, turned her head awkwardly,

The two assistant designers on the side stood not far away, and neither did they go, nor did they go. In the end, they stood still and were forced to eat a large bite of dog food.

It’s just that this dog food is a bit hard to chew, and I always feel something is wrong, but I also think that Mr. Xu will really spoil women.

Seeing that the two people were finally no longer tired, they looked for the opportunity and said: "Mrs. Xu, do you feel unsatisfied with the wedding dress, some aspects of the wedding dress, or the size?"

Su Nuan raised her head, turned around in front of the mirror, and then shook her head, "All are fine, no need to change."

"Okay. Then Mr. Xu, don't you need to try your dress?"

"no need."

"Okay. Then... if there is no problem..."

"You can go now!"

Xu Junyu waved his hand directly, an expression that he wanted to drive away.

The two looked at each other, bent towards Xu Jun and He Su Nuan, opened the door and walked out.

After trying the wedding dress, Su Nuan took it off and placed it carefully.

And Xu Jun and this time did not stay much, and left directly with Huoyan,

Su Nuan breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

Xu Junyu is simply a demon.

I feel like jumping into a fire pit,

Xu Jun and his recent behavior are really strange.

Where did he come from such a strong domineering possessiveness?

Afraid of her cuckolding him?

Su Nuan shook his head at last, pushing all things about Xu Junyu aside.

In the evening, Mother Su came over to find her alone.

Because there is Zhao Qiming in this city, every time he opens the door, he is always in fear.

After she opened the door, a tight and relaxed expression was printed in Mother Su's eyes, and her face sank.

"Your brother has been here?"

"Yeah." Su Nuan responded honestly and didn't lie because her mother knew her too much.

Suman raised his foot into the room, walked directly to the sofa and sat down.

Su Nuan poured her a cup of warm water and put it in front of her,

Su Man didn't pick it up, and stared at Su Nuan for a while before finally asking:

"He embarrassed you?"

"No." Su Nuan shook her head, looking at Su Man's disbelieving eyes, she continued: "Xu Junyu has been there yesterday, and he just left not long ago."

Su Man stared at her in silence again. After a while, she said, "Nuan Nuan..."

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