"I can allow you to get angry, but it's better not today. I don't want to marry you with anger, I think you will also want to finish the wedding with a cold face."

"I said, I didn't have a temper with you. You can't tell me that I have a temper. You are the one who is born out of nothing."

Su Nuan tried his best to make herself good-tempered, but she couldn’t hide her temper.

In the beginning it was him who kicked people, and it was him who kept her from being nosy, and now it is him who is not happy to show his position to him.

As long as he wants to co-author, she has to do,

What he didn’t want, she couldn’t even have her own position,

what happened?

She had never noticed that Xu Junyu had such a perverted mood before.

A "out of nothing" made the flame driving ahead suddenly shiver.

He has never met anyone who dared to use such words to describe his young master.

The atmosphere was not right, now it seems...

He is not driving a car, but an ice cellar!

"Out of nothing?"

Sure enough, Xu Junyu would not ignore this harsh word, and repeated one sentence in a murmur.

"Yes, something is born out of nothing. If you have to think that I am the kind of woman who doesn't want to seduce even your brothers, don't introduce them to me at the beginning, lest you worry about me at every turn like this Will you bring you a green hat!"

Su Nuan couldn't hold back her temper at all. Playing with her this inexplicable temper again and again made her annoying.

Xu Junyu didn’t speak for a while, just when Huo Yan couldn’t stand it anymore and wanted to jump out of the car, Xu Junyu suddenly chuckled.

It really made him shiver again,

What a mess!


No wonder young grandma wants to make a temper with her, he and he can't help it.

It will be easy to die this way!

Su Nuan’s reaction to Xu Junyu was similar to Huoyan, but compared to Huoyan, she seemed a bit accustomed to his state.

Without making much reaction, Xu Junyu reached out and pulled her into his arms.

Su Nuan's cheek was sore and numb when his sturdy shoulder hit.

"Why are you crazy again?!"

Su Nuan's temper could no longer be suppressed, and she stretched out her hand and punched Xu Junyu on the shoulder.

Xu Junyu let her fight and withstood her blow, and then reached out to hold Su Nuan’s hand in his palm.

He suddenly approached her again, and the body temperature on his body suddenly rushed over, one can imagine how close he was suddenly to himself.

"If you are a nonchalant woman, how can I marry you?"

Su Nuan directly rejected his words that violated his heart, and directly refused to believe his words.

Don't believe a word!

She sometimes feels that even if she is really a stubborn woman, and even more infamous, whether he wants to marry or marry, it will definitely be another rhetoric.

This kind of inexplicable guess she herself doesn’t know why, but feels that as long as she is Su Nuan, it is the reason why he is enough to marry her

But there can be no emotional ties, so this question is full of contradictions.

And the birthplace of this contradiction was naturally discovered from Xu Junyu.

In a certain sense, Su Nuan's summary of Xu Junyu was surprisingly completely consistent with Hu Yan's general feeling last night.

Xu Junyu is a huge bug, a walking contradiction.

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