Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2527: Close to death

"Give you three seconds and think about how you want to compensate me."

"..." Su Nuan subconsciously wanted to escape, her pink face darkened a bit.

Three seconds compensation?

How to compensate?

She will compensate him for what she has now.

Xu Junyu clasped her head firmly to prevent her from fleeing, and began to count down: "Three--"

Su Nuan struggled.


Su Nuan reached out to push his shoulders.

However, Xu Junyu restrained her easily, and she couldn't escape at all.


The voice fell slowly, and immediately afterwards, he bowed his head and held the candy pudding that he had long been fond of.


Xu Junyu's breath is no longer unfamiliar, but she still opened her eyes in shock, the smell that belonged to him domineeringly invaded her breath, the crush made her stiffen and her body didn't know what to do!

After a long while, Xu Junyu let go of her, chuckling in a low voice, "Breathe, idiot."

Su Nuan still opened her eyes blankly and froze in place. Xu Junyu didn't react to seeing her, and looked at her nervously and patted her on the shoulder.


Su Nuan suddenly regained consciousness, and began to breathe with her hand on Xu Junyu's shoulder.

Xu Junyu breathed a sigh of relief, then laughed again, "I almost became the first person in the world to suffocate from kissing."

Su Nuan was still breathing hurriedly, and at the same time a heart was throbbing wildly, and she felt that her internal organs were accelerating and becoming active.

She didn't die suddenly, she had to thank her for being too powerful.

Breathing was gradually regaining sense and calmness. When Su Nuan’s sanity came back for a while, the first reaction was to look in the direction of Huoyan.

Huo Yan drove the car indifferently and looked ahead, seemingly unaware of what had just happened to them.


Fortunately, he reacted quickly and did not let the young lady see what he just peeked at.

Otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

Su Nuan felt relieved again, leaning on her seat, exhaling heavily, turned her head and gave Xu Jun and a hateful look.

Xu Junyu was compensated and sat there with a full face, with a smile that made Su Nuan both angry and ashamed.

Finally, she moved towards her seat and resolutely kept her distance from Xu Junyu.

The car arrived at the hotel not long after, Huo Yan drove the car directly underground. After Xu Jun and got off the car, they got off with Su Nuan and walked into the exclusive elevator to the top of the hotel.

There is a specially arranged waiting room for the bride on the top floor. Xu Jun and put her there and separated.

After all, the identity of the groom is different, he needs to show his face outside, and the bride only needs to wait quietly for the time to come out and get married.

Su Man followed up later. When he came up, there were already two tall, dark-faced people in black suits guarding the bride's waiting room.

The momentum of "close to death" really frightened Su Man. She had never seen such a situation before, and it felt as if it was dark.

Under the fierce gaze of the two people, she raised her hand and knocked on the door of the room nervously, paying close attention to the two people beside her. They would hold a knife and put a knife on her neck. …

When the door was opened, Su Man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Su Nuan standing in front of her safe and sound.

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