Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 258: She understands!

Xu Jun narrowed his brows and looked at her displeasedly.

"If the company has something to do, go ahead!"


"Junior, this is between me and him! Don't interfere!"

Mu Chuqing interrupted Xu Junyu's words, her cold eyes stared at him steadily, and she said nothing in doubt.

Xu Jun and squinted their eyes and looked down at her for a long time. Finally, they let go of Mu Chuqing's waist and looked up at Sheng Yuchen, who was standing opposite. The coldness in his eyes was not bottoming.

"Okay, then I will go first. I believe you, I can solve it myself!"


Mu Chuqing nodded and responded softly.

"Call me if you have anything!"


Xu Junyu glanced at Sheng Yuchen again, and finally lifted his foot to leave.

Mu Chuqing's vision followed Xu Junyu's figure, even Xu Junyu's figure disappeared completely at the corner of the hall and the waiting hall, she never turned around.

Before long, she only felt a tightness on her wrist, and she felt the cold voice in her ear again.

"Mu Chuqing, you should recognize reality! Don't tell me, you really fall in love with him?!"

Mu Chuqing closed her eyes, took a long breath, and then slowly turned around...


The heavy noise was especially loud in the silent waiting hall, and Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes seemed as terrible as bloody.

Mu Chuqing's chest was up and down violently. With this slap, she exhausted all her strength without any reservation.


Mu Chuqing sneered, "I recognized the reality a long time ago! What happened to falling in love with him? Just because you used it, I deserve to be alone forever?"

Sheng Yuchen's heart tightened, "You should know that I didn't mean that!"

"Why should I know? Sheng Yuchen, not everyone wants to revolve around you, do you want to let others know? You are too self-conscious!"

Mu Chuqing thought she was ridiculous!

She didn't know how much Sheng Yuchen's words hurt.

But now...


Sheng Yuchen was right, she knew it!

She actually understands!

She can actually understand that this is his unscrupulous words, this is his angry words!

The knife pierced her heart, she was still thinking that he didn't mean it!

His self-righteousness, but it worked on her again and again!

What a perverted mentality!

She just slapped it, she shouldn't give it to him, she should give it to herself.

There should be a limit to being cheap!

Mu Chuqing stared at him fiercely, opened her mouth, trying to persuade him to stop pestering her again, but in the end, she still didn't say anything?

What's the use of saying more, he has said thousands of times, she can't influence his decision.

Can't afford to offend, can she still not be able to hide?

She quit!

Regardless of her Li Shi, care about her hatred!

As for Chang Chu, she let her go!

She thoroughly accomplished Chang Chu and him!

Let them go to heaven and earth!

All, all, disappeared in her life!

Mu Chuqing's eyes suddenly felt a kind of relief, she looked at Sheng Yuchen's face, suddenly snorted, and turned to leave!

Sheng Yuchen was surprised by the relaxed and slightly revengeful look in Mu Chuqing's eyes. Suddenly there was a kind of weakness in his heart, he could no longer grasp it, and the feeling of being intangible made him panic.

His forehead suddenly burst into blue veins, he stretched out his hand to firmly grasp Mu Chuqing's hand, his dark eyes stared at her firmly, his voice was furious and harsh:

"Mu Chuqing, don't force me! I never said to let you go, you just stay by my side for your duty! Don't think about leaving again, you can't escape!"

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