Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2561: Which one to wear

However, it is better not to be too anxious. The two young people are good, and good to yourself.

"En. I know." Xu Jiahui nodded, agreeing very much with our housekeeper's words.

And upstairs, Su Nuan grieved and spit out, in a row of high-quality pajamas, back and forth for a long time to choose.

I took out almost everything and looked at it. With such a heavy mouth, I am not afraid of others laughing when I buy it? Oh my god..."

Su Nuan held a set of sleepiness in her hand, which was actually hollowed out?

I can’t wait to show off some clothes.

She hurriedly was so scared that she stuffed her clothes into the cabinet and made her look like this in Xu Junyu?

Kill her!

"What should I do? What to wear? Wear these in front of Xu Junyu? Kill me! Who prepared this? Don't you know Xu Junyu can't see it?"

Su Nuan blinked suddenly, "Huh? Right, Xu Junyu can't see it... Then what am I afraid of?! Cut..."

Su Nuan said, rolling her eyes, despising herself as an idiot.

Such an obvious thing, she didn't realize it at first.

Xu Junyu can't see it now, even if she stands naked in front of him, he can't see it!

However, she picked a silk pajamas and threw it on the bed.

Although he can't see it, it doesn't mean that he has no hands and no senses. Recently, he is too presumptuous and hugs at every turn. How can he be guarded?

Although this dress looks unattractive, it is a piece of clothing no matter how it feels when worn on the body.

Thinking of this, Su Nuan breathed a sigh of relief, standing in front of the mirror in the closet, and opened the zipper under the armpit of the cheongsam.

Withdraw the cheongsam on her body and look around in the mirror.

Well, there seems to be meat on the waist, the belly is okay, and the skin can be whiter.

Reached out and shook the two **** in front of him, this...

Well, she thinks it's useless no matter how big it is, this is just right!

Anyway, it's also raised!

Finally I admired enough. As usual, I stretched my hand to the back, fumbled for a while, and finally sighed comfortably, and then looked over. She threw the bra on her body to the side.

This feels really...

When is the most comfortable time for a woman, for Su Nuan, that is the moment when she returns home and takes off the bra. The feeling of being freed from the restraint is more crooked than anything.

When Xu Junyu came out of the bathroom, what he saw was the scene where Su Nuan unwrapped the bra and threw it on the bed. Then he raised his arm in front of the mirror and struck hard, and finally did it again. Two chest expansion exercises.

The place without the slightest cover was about to dizzy Xu Junyu's eyes because of her mindless movement.

If you are not blind, you will be blinded by her stuff!

This nervous woman!

After Su Nuan felt much better, when she was about to get her pajamas by the bed, she turned around and saw Xu Junyu standing not far from the bathroom door.


She screamed subconsciously, hugging herself tightly with her hands, looking at him with a flushed face.

"You... when did you come out?"

Xu Junyu closed his gaze back with an unmoving expression.

"Just came out. What is your ghost name?!"

Su Nuan stared at him stiffly for a while, only then came back, he now, look! Do not! ! To! !

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