Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 260: Why is this time?

Within a minute, two people carried a crib and walked into the waiting hall.


Mu Chuqing stretched out his hand and greeted them, then lifted his foot to press the elevator.

"what is this?"

Sheng Yuchen's gloomy voice suddenly sounded low and low, containing a stormy low pressure.

Mu Chuqing's heart beat fiercely, and the hand that reached out to press the elevator was retracted like an electric shock.

She stood there with her head down, too much panic in her eyes.

"Who are these for?"

Sheng Yuchen's voice sounded again, and Mu Chuqing's body trembled fiercely.

No, can't he let him know now?

She also has a daughter, and she can't let him know the existence of her daughter!

He is a lunatic now!

Mu Chuqing turned around and said to the two people who were carrying the bed.

"Sorry, I don't need the stuff! You can return it!"


The two looked at each other and didn't move for a while.

At this moment, Sheng Yuchen frowned and walked two steps towards Mu Chuqing. Mu Chuqing quickly backed away and yelled at the two people: "I said no, please go back!"

Mu Chuqing's voice was a little hysterical, not only was the two people carrying the bed shocked, but Sheng Yuchen's body also stopped.

The pitch-black eyes were deep and bottomless, squinting slightly, looking at Mu Chuqing's body, thoughtfully.

Mu Chuqing's body was tightly stared at by those eyes. Suddenly, she seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. She rushed to the elevator button and kept pressing the elevator up button desperately.

The elevator door opened soon, and Mu Chuqing helped the elevator door and staggered into the elevator.

Sheng Yuchen's black eyes shrank suddenly, and at the moment the elevator closed, he stretched his hand into the elevator gap. The sensor between the elevator doors reacted extremely sensitively, and the elevator reopened instantly.

Mu Chuqing leaned against the edge of the elevator, fingers behind him tightly clasped on the solid stainless steel.

At this moment, his eyes were even bigger, and he looked at Sheng Yuchen warily, as if staring at a demon.

Sheng Yuchen's tall figure slowly stepped into the elevator, his sullen eyes fixed on Mu Chuqing, his handsome face twitching slightly.

"Why are you running? Why are you returning something you have already bought? Are you hiding something from me?"

"No! I just don't want it anymore, there are not so many why?"

Mu Chuqing shook her head, her eyes dodge a little, and finally turned her eyes away from Sheng Yuchen.

And her performance of no silver three hundred taels here made Sheng Yuchen feel even more irritated, and her dark eyes were deeply blurred and somewhat cruel.

He approached step by step, her tall body shrouded Mu Chuqing in the shadows, Mu Chuqing clinging to the stainless steel wall behind her, her abdominal cramps getting worse and worse, she bit her lip, her pale little face Covered with layers of fine sweat.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her lower abdomen, lowered her head and glanced at the painful lower abdomen, with a trace of worry in her eyes.

why? !

Is it this time? !

However, because of her little action, Sheng Yuchen's dark and deep eyes suddenly tightened again, and her deep and dark eyes were instantly stained with monstrous anger.

All his depression, all his patience, all collapsed!

The cruelty and wildness buried deep in his bones all broke out at this moment.

He stared at Mu Chuqing for a long time, and finally turned his head suddenly, reaching out to light up the button on the first floor.

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