Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2576: Can't you see

Su Nuan blushed and looked at him for a long time, and finally suddenly reached out and put a hand on his forehead and stopped.

"Are your head still dizzy?"

Xu Junyu's eyes shrank slightly, grabbed her hand and put it to her lips to kiss.

"No more dizzy."

Feeling the warmth on the fingertips, Su Nuan's eyes lightly flashed, "Oh", and then stared at him again.

After a while, she asked again:

"Xu Junyu, you... can't you really see with your eyes?"

Xu Junyu squeezed her hand tightly and said, "Remind me every day the fact that my eyes are blind. Do you have to develop this habit?"

"Uh... sorry. I just think you are really too flexible, more accustomed than others who have been blind for decades..."

"Do you think they can compare with me?"

"..." Su Nuan blinked, why not? Later, after thinking about it, let’s forget it, and I’m sure to get angry again.

"However, how did I come to the conclusion that I am a blind man more flexible than others?"

"Kiss me! Why do you always kiss in the right position?!"



As soon as Su Nuan's words came out, there was a long period of silence in the room.

Su Nuan realized what she had said, and when she opened her mouth to make up for it, she realized that she no longer knew what to say.

His mouth opened and closed, annoyed.

Xu Junyu laughed suddenly. From the first chuckle to the end, he lay flat on the bed and laughed wantonly, making Su Nuan's face turned redder and red.

She stretched out angrily and shyly and kicked him, "What are you laughing at?! Is this true? Don't laugh, don't laugh're so bored! I'm getting up! You keep laughing Come on, laugh! You laugh so hard!"

She lifted the quilt angrily and really wanted to get up. As a result, the foot that had just kicked on Xu Jun and her waist was suddenly held. She pulled and pulled to stop her movement, and then turned over again and covered her under her. .

"what are you doing?!"

Xu Junyu hadn't recovered the smile on his face, "Come and tell you how this blind man can kiss you accurately."

"No! I don't want to know! I never asked you this question!"

"But I want to tell you..."

Su Nuan struggled, Xu Jun and secretly locked her legs tightly with their legs.

She couldn't move, bit her lip angrily, "How can you be like this?!"

What she didn't want to know, he just wanted to force her to know!

"That's why I am the only one." Xu Junyu's smile gradually closed, and her pajamas were messed up again.

In fact, it cannot cover anything that needs to be covered.

On the contrary, it became messy because of the struggle. The disorganized, looming visual effect is almost the same as the fierce and full of emotions that I have just experienced.

It's a pity that Su Nuan doubted his eyes. The focus of his eyes could not stay together for a long time, let alone stay in her for too long, otherwise, she might have to discover something again.

Leaning over and kissing her on the forehead, Xu Junyu yelled to her softly, "Su Xiao Nuan..."

"Huh?" Almost at the same time, Su Nuan immediately responded, and her eyes were on the skin of Xu Jun and the neckline of her pajamas. Because of tension or guilty conscience, she answered very quickly.

But when she just made a sound, there was a warmth on her lips.

She opened her eyes suddenly.

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