Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2584: do not trust me

This means that he is far less important than her job?

"You can't work for a lifetime."

"It depends on the situation!" Su Nuan frowned, not in a good mood.

"What does it mean to depend on the situation?"

Xu Jun and the same, it seems that he does not compromise on this matter.

"Xu Junyu."

Su Nuan yelled to her in a low voice, lowered his head to change Xu Jun and the towel in his hand, continued to press it up, then raised his head, looked at him, and said:

"I can't live without work. I have never considered this matter as a trouble. It is as indispensable as the food I need to eat and the water I drink. It is the safety I hold in my own hands. Feeling, work will make me feel at ease, do you know?"

She was serious and serious, her faint crimson lips were gently opened and closed, but the corners of her lips were fixed in a certain position, almost a line of the lips stretched out.

Xu Junyu squinted his eyes, and his voice suddenly became cold. "In the final analysis." He said, reaching out his other hand and waved Su Nuan's hand against him, and threw the towel aside. , Got up from the chair.

"You never thought about trusting me."

Su Nuan held the towel he had thrown away in her hand and made a swallowing motion.

Xu Junyu lowered his eyes and watched the towel in Su Nuan's hand deformed by her pinching.

"I believe in myself more."

In this world, what everyone believes most is himself.

Everyone is.

Just like her, the grandma's relics she wanted were found by herself if she lost them, and they would be taken back by herself after others robbed her.

Otherwise, who does she rely on? Who do you believe?

Her so-called father?

From the moment he picked up their family portrait frame and patted her on her head without hesitation, he completely woke her up.

In this world, she has no father, and no one can trust.

With his deputy, in this society of mixed, intrigue and intrigue, she didn't have to be a lesson like others.

So, once, twice, three times, countless times, it turns out that believing in yourself is the only way to prevent yourself from hurting.

The look deep in Xu Junyu's eyes was terrifying, and even the surrounding air felt too thin.

I just wanted to see how the newlyweds would be differently sweet and sweet on the second day of their marriage. At this time, all of them hid.

I wanted to eat a wave of Big Mac dog food willingly, but I didn't eat much of the dog food and almost choked to death.

They didn't understand the topic of honeymooning. Why did the talk collapse in the end?

Xu Junyu coldly looked at her hand holding the towel tightly, and suddenly snorted. Su Nuan heard the sound and looked up at him.

The handsome face that he touched clearly had a smile that looked like a smile, but it was terribly frightening.

"I'm thinking……"

Xu Junyu spoke, and her hand suddenly clasped Su Nuan's shoulder. She felt the pain from her shoulder blades at the moment she was strong.

Immediately afterwards, she was lifted up by him forcefully, and she turned around and put her on the dining table, clasping her waist tightly with one hand, and supporting her on the dining table on the other side with one hand, and firmly circled her. Arms.

Su Nuan's eyes narrowed tightly, and suddenly, she raised her eyes to look at him defensively.

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