Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2587: Stupid decision

Xu Jun gritted his teeth with the dark voice, squeezed **** her,


When Su Nuan touched her heart, his fear escalated again.

But when she felt her sudden anger again, she panicked even more.

Don't know what he is thinking at all? !

What self-knowledge?

What self-awareness does she lack, she doesn't know!

She couldn't keep up with his thinking at all.

Now he is almost like a beast that loses his mind, she can feel it strongly, he can really tear her apart anytime, anywhere.

"Xu Junyu, don't... please... woo..."

Xu Junyu's body suddenly stiffened, but stopped.

He stood up, his gaze caught her face,

Su Nuan was biting her lip tightly, looking at him with a look of anxiety, his mind moved slightly, watching her tears fall down.

Dripping down her chin, her face was red and white, clutching his arm tightly, her whole body trembling.

He never saw her cry again, except that she cried wanton when she mentioned the past a few days ago.

Not before, and not now, he thought it was not just him, even everyone had never seen her cry.

But now, she actually cried again.


Xu Junyu suddenly curled her lips, bowed her head and kissed her hungry tears.


Su Nuan bit her lip tightly, not wanting to admit this fact,

"You let me go..."

Su Nuan's voice has a strong nasal sound, and the whole person exudes a feeling of excessive guilt.

Xu Junyu thought the same way, but it was only a momentary matter.

Why should he feel guilty for her?

She is the wife he married back honestly. The current situation between him and her should be the most normal communication between husband and wife.

She didn't like him to touch her, because he cried out in fear, whose fault was it?

Is his fault?

A wife wouldn't let her husband touch her, so she cried when she touched her, and as a husband he still feels guilty for her?

His husband is really useless!

"Su Xiaonuan, this awareness of being a wife should have been there since the day you decided to marry me. Thinking about how I would want to slowly cooperate with you to accept me, it’s a stupid decision. , You have exhausted my reasons for making this stupid decision!"

He said sullenly, his handsome face with a scary smile.

He leaned close to her, breathing sprayed on her face.

Murmured: "As long as I want you, where do you have the right to refuse?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Su Nuan's trembling body, and his eyes widened from panic, slightly lowered his head, and kissed her lips fiercely again.

She didn't seem to know that a person who usually seldom cries, crying now being bullied like this, is so exciting for a man.


Su Nuan screamed, beating him on the shoulder constantly.

The servant in the villa hiding in the dark covered her ears tightly and shrank her neck. A nervous heart was about to jump out.

If it's good, it's okay. Anyway, the house belongs to the owner. The husband and wife will do it wherever they are on a whim, and they will be blind and ear blind.

But from the beginning, the atmosphere between the two of them was not quite right.

Now even if they all hid in the corner, they could still hear the cry of the young lady.

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