Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2602: Petite woman

He actually wants to be trusted.

Not anyone, but Suman!

It's Su Nuan!

Before, he ignored the harm that he had caused to Su Nuan in the past, so when she said that she didn't believe in herself this morning, he only cared about her anger, and didn't think why she was unwilling to believe in herself.

Now, he thinks that he needs to start working hard, feeling that it is very challenging to gain Su Nuan's trust.

Su Man left Su Nuan to him...

Just taking care of one person and protecting one person, this shouldn't be a difficult task for him!

Otherwise, he would not choose Su Nuan because of another person at first.

No matter how many people are, the ultimate goal is the same, nothing more than taking care of Su Nuan, there is nothing he can't do.

Besides, she is indeed his wife Xu Junyu.

Su got another guarantee from Xu Junyu, and sighed slightly, "Okay, you can go back, we are also ready for security check."

Su Nuan held Su Man's hand, the resentment in her eyes was obvious.

"Mom...I will have a good time, don't worry about me. Also, don't be angry with Uncle Zhao, he..."

"I know. You can take care of yourself, I don't have to worry about you now!"

At this moment, the announcement in the lobby that prompted the security check sounded. Su Man patted Su Nuan's hand, and finally grabbed her and broke her hand free.

"Mom..." Su Nuan's tears were about to flow out. When she called Su Man, her voice was obviously trembling. With a cry of tears, Xu Jun moved in her heart and held her tighter.

Su Man looked up at her, his eyes flushed.

"Okay, it's not life and death."

Su Nuan sniffed. She seldom goes home and spends very few days with Su Man. Every time she meets and then partes, it symbolizes that she can't meet again for a long time.

After all, he is the only closest person in the world, and parting is always the saddest.

Xu Junyu rubbed Su Nuan's shoulder to comfort her, "Don't do this, I'll take you back in two days."

Su Nuan was taken aback for a moment, with red eyes looking up at him pitifully, "Huh?"

Xu Jun smiled with Gumlips, "My son-in-law should always go and recognize the door, otherwise, what should I do if I can't find the door?"

Su Nuan angered her mouth, reached out her hand and wiped it on her eyes, murmured:

"It's not your home..."

"Huh? It doesn't count for you to say it!"

Su Nuan's voice has a shallow nasal sound, and the thin voice sounds soft, with a little coquettish taste. This makes people who have been deceived by Su Nuan's appearance heard, and it is almost to the bone.

Su Man was also surprised. She herself did not expect that Su Nuan should rarely have such a side other than acting like a baby with her occasionally.

She also knew that Su Nuan couldn't easily show such a side to anyone.

But today...

But despite this, Suman was not very happy.

Is it really good for Su Nuan to be like this?

She rolled her eyes and looked at Zhao Qiming who was aside almost subconsciously.

Zhao Qiming's face was tight, and it was not difficult to see the anger he was holding back now.

He always knew how attractive Su Nuan was. He couldn't wait to get her, but didn't want more people to discover her beauty.

But, now, most of his shy look, soft voice, and the look of that petite woman were never known to him.

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