Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2604: I don't picture you

Xu Junyu blinked blankly, feeling very aggrieved, "But now she is not just your mother!"

By implication, she is also the **** now.


"Huh?" Xu Junyu suddenly approached Su Nuan, deliberately leaned to her ear, and gave a low voice of confusion, directly making Su Nuan blush.

"Okay. Prepare sauerkraut dumplings and cook them as much as you want. Eat as much as you want! We're running out of time, let's go first, and pay attention to safety when you go home."

Su Nuan nodded, thinking of going home later, Su Nuan didn't feel how uncomfortable this separation was.

After sending Zhao Hongshan and Su Man through the security check, Xu Junyu and Cai turned around Su Nuan, Su Nuan was in a good mood.

In Xu Junyu’s arms, he became more clever,

Su Nuan raised her lips as she looked at Xu Junyu's appearance. Before coming to the airport, she didn't want to say a word to him. Now that she agreed to take her back to her hometown, she became so happy. Thing, this is... all forgotten?

"Will you go shopping in a while?"

Xu Junyu said suddenly.

"Ah? Why go shopping?"

Su Nuan didn't know what Xu Junyu was thinking, shouldn't he go home?

Why did you suddenly think of shopping?

"I'm going home in a few days, can't you go back empty-handed?"

Su Nuan pondered for a while, feeling that Xu Jun and what he said were right.

"Then I will go shopping, you go back first!"

"Why should I go back?" Xu Junyu said suddenly, his tone a little unpleasant.

"Aren't you inconvenient?"

"Does this dislike my blindness?"

Su Nuan curled her lips and said, "It's not disgusting, it's true. Your eyes are inconvenient and you can't move. Besides, don't you men hate shopping with women the most?"

"Who said that! I like shopping!"

Su Nuan twitched the corners of her mouth, "Don't you think that you will cause trouble to others?"

"Do you dislike me in trouble?" Xu Junyu's eyes are about to kill!

Su Nuan let out a "um", thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes, it is really troublesome to take you shopping."

"Su Xiaonuan!"

Xu Jun angrily pinched her waist, "Do you really dislike me?"

Su Nuan was suddenly squeezed and laughed, and while avoiding his teasing, he said: "Don't let people tell the truth yet! It should be!"

Xu Junyu curled her lips, "If you go shopping and I pay the bill, will you still find me troublesome?"

Su Nuan immediately shook his head, "No! Why are you in trouble? It's better for someone to go shopping with you than to go shopping alone. In fact, I'm happy to take you there!"

Su Nuan took the initiative to encircle Xu Junyu's arms this time, tightly, quite a posture of swearing to death.

"Su Xiaonuan, you are just for my money, it's so obvious!"

"Nonsense, I don't want your person, of course I have to do the same. Anyway, you are rich, otherwise I really don't know how bad it is to marry you?"

Xu Jun and lowered their heads and banged Su Nuan's forehead hard.

With a "boom", Su Nuan felt that her eyes were dark for a moment, and her head was dizzy. He couldn't find the direction for a while.

Fortunately, people are hugged by Xu Jun, so that they don't make jokes.

After waiting for a long time to react, she exasperated; "What are you doing?"

"People who don't picture me? Huh?"

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