Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2606: give it to me

"You can't just spend my money, you know?"

Su Nuan frowned, and reached out to touch Xu Junyu's shoulder, "Well, well, I don't want your money, OK! I spend my own money, okay?!"

"No!" Xu Junyu hugged her into her arms again, and Su Nuan's ears ache with a loud voice.

Su Nuan curled up with her elbow against his shoulder, slightly hurting.

There was a burst of anger in my heart, "Xu Junyu, what do you want? I can't do this, I can't do that! All of a sudden, what are you going to do?

Xu Jun and Long Arm caught Su Nuan tightly in their arms, buried their face in her side of her neck, took a deep breath, and muttered:

"You want to map my money, but also map my people..."

Xu Junyu was silent for a few seconds, and then said again for a long time:

"You can even try..." He suddenly raised his head, reached Su Nuan's ear, and whispered:

"You can even try to try my heart, it's okay."

Su Nuan's body stiffened, and a tingling sensation spread from her ears to her whole body in an instant, and even the heart, she could clearly feel a numbness and suffocation in the air with an electric current. , And jumped quickly.

It's almost like jumping out of my heart.

"If I try, will you give it?"

Almost subconsciously, Su Nuan blurted out blankly.

Xu Junyu's body paused for a moment, and then the strength of his arms around her slowly loosened.

Su Nuan sneered.

"What I am not sure about, just..."

Her words stopped abruptly, and she looked down at her heart with a dazed expression.

Xu Junyu's finger touched her heart, pressed against her forehead, and her voice was muffled and confused.

"So what about you? Do you want to try to hand her over?"

"..." Su Nuan's heart jumped suddenly, and the whole person blinked nervously.

She subconsciously wanted to step back, but Xu Junyu suddenly grabbed the back of her head and didn't let him leave.

"Want to run again? Don't run, huh?" His voice was low, as if it had a poppy breath, bewildering people's hearts.

Su Nuan's tight breathing started to become hot.

Xu Junyu's fingers suddenly spread out on Su Nuan's heart, covering her chest with force.

Su Nuan shrank again, and Xu Junyu buckled her back again.

"I want it. Su Nuan, you give it to me."

Su Nuan felt that her whole body couldn't lift a trace of strength, and the strength of her whole body was a little bit away by Xu Jun's closeness and those words.

For a moment she really wanted to sink in like this, but she was so timid, so the more things she thought of and the more she cared about, she subconsciously "reasoned" overwhelming everything.

"Xu Jun and..."

Su Nuan called him softly, then paused...

But what to do?

She really wanted to promise him desperately, she really wanted to promise him.


Xu Jun and low eyes watched Su Nuan clutching his hand tightly.


"Promise me! Su Nuan, even if you don't agree, all your people are mine. Don't let me become a man of force."

"You might as well not ask me!"

She had forgotten that he was an extremely domineering person.

"Of course I have to ask you, otherwise you will be angry again."


"Answer me, Su Nuan."

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