Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 264: She is fine

"Then for you, this child shouldn't be the best thing to exist?"

Sheng Yuchen raised his foot and walked to the bench to sit down, leaning his head against the wall behind.

It seemed that he did not intend to answer Shang Yunxi's question.

"Doctor Shang, ready!"


A nurse came out to urge Shang Yunxi, Shang Yunxi responded indifferently and turned around and entered the operating room.

Sheng Yuchen raised his head, his face gloomily looked at the red light that "clicked"!

The extra glare made him extremely disturbed.

The sorrow and sorrow in the heart is more likely to ferment, sore, flustered, and even...pain at the door of the operating room.

And the ambiguous emptiness and panic, etc., all kinds of complicated emotions surged up.

"Then for you, this child shouldn't be the best thing to exist?"

Thinking of the woman just now, Sheng Yuchen curled her lips bitterly.

He felt desolate and pathetic in his heart.


How could he want her to give birth to other men!


Sheng Yuchen closed his eyes tightly, the regret that was left to him three years ago, the feeling of suffocation brought him tightly.

He owes her!

He owes her a child...

He didn't want this child, but he didn't want to hurt her anymore.

If this child is gone, what will she be in pain, and how will she hate him?

Thinking of how Mu Chuqing hated him, the mood that had just eased was suddenly pushed out by fear.

He raised his head and looked closely at the red light still on in the opposite operating room, and reached out to search for cigarettes subconsciously.

After several twists and turns, he finally lit a cigarette in a panic and trembling.

He took a heavy sip, but because he was in a hurry, he was obviously choked by the cigarette, but he did not make a sound.

Still staring at the red light, sitting motionless on the bench, quietly feeling the nicotine in the cigarette churning in his body, to numb the anxiousness of his whole body.

But in spite of this, the panic and pain in my heart are still not lightened. As time progresses bit by bit, it tends to aggravate the pain.

In the dim corridor, there was silence, and wisps of smoke slowly swirled upward in the dim light, and finally dispersed, almost filling the entire corridor.

Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes were hidden in the white smoke, making them more silent and mysterious.


Sheng Yuchen watched the red light in front of the operating room go out. He suddenly stood up from the bench and walked to the unopened operating door to wait.

A few seconds later, Shang Yunxi opened the door and walked out of the operating room, lowered his head and took off the mask on his face, but accidentally saw the messy cigarette **** on the ground in front of the bench.

The movement on his hands froze for a while, and then he took off the mask calmly.

"Don't worry, she's fine!"

Sheng Yuchen's tight face had a slight slack, but--

"and then?"

Sheng Yuchen continued to ask, his voice low and dull.

Shang Yunxi threw the mask and gloves into the trash can next to him and turned to look at him.

"What then? Since it's okay, cultivate well and eat less irritating things in the near future! Don't be emotional..."

"Do you not understand what I said?!"

Sheng Yuchen's low and cold voice sounded faintly again. This time, even Shang Yunxi felt a sudden chill in his back.

After a long time, she adjusted her emotions, frowned and looked at Sheng Yuchen fearlessly.

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