Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2611: divorce! !

A happy event just happened at home, why has the atmosphere been so tense since the morning? !

Two newlyweds who seem to be very affectionate. The second day of their wedding, the one who was bullied to cry, and was angry to throw something, was angry before leaving home, and still angry after coming back. These two people, really Isn’t the enemy not meeting together?

But it doesn’t work all the time, is this really just married? !

But they didn't have too much time to guess the minds of the masters. They took the cleaning tools and put their heads in to tidy up.

Huo Yan twitched the corners of his mouth, despising his young master's stinking problem.

Just blinking, I saw Su Nuan standing on the stairs in a daze, staring at their direction with a pale face.

After gliding over the young master, he fell on the busy servants aside,

"Little... little grandma..."

Huoyan's heart suddenly floated, always feeling that my grandmother would think more at this time,

When Xu Junyu heard the sound of Huoyan, the expression on his face was also stiff, and he subconsciously looked towards the direction of the stairs.

Seeing Su Nuan's indifferent expression, her heart suddenly tightened.

Su Nuan’s eyes suddenly fell on him, and the focus of his eyes almost subconsciously began to loosen up.

This reaction has almost become a subconscious instinct,

Because he knew from the beginning that this was the only way to keep Su Nuan,

I didn't know why I did this?

At the beginning, the eyes were really hurt, but in the end, he heard the doctor tell him that the girl who was with him was really worried about him, her eyes were red every time she came.

The nurse even said jokingly, "Looking at her caring about sadness, maybe if you propose a marriage now, she can satisfy you!"

This sentence is a good reminder. I have a little understanding of Su Nuan. If he was like that time, she would probably agree to whatever he said.

Therefore, he did that.

Unexpectedly, things really went smoothly unexpectedly.

Responding to requests, I have to admit that Su Nuan is sometimes more vigilant than anyone, but sometimes, she is really pure and stupid.

As long as he heard the doctor say that his eyes were not getting better, even he could feel her depression, even in many ways...

In short, she really cares that his eyes will really not see,

Time and time again, the only thing that can completely hold her is this one.

Simply, in this process, he was so angry that he lost his mind several times, and he did not expose the secret that his eyes were not blind.

I don't know why the eyes alone can't see this thing, and he won't even want to expose it after he completely loses his mind.

Su Nuan had just felt that there was a very strong gaze that she shot towards her. She subconsciously looked at Xu Junyu, only to find that he was facing her, but those eyes were the blurry she is accustomed to now. .

Sometimes his vision was really clear, as if it was really not what a blind person should have. She had expected it, and was even delighted, but the facts always shattered her expectations.

Then the doctor clearly told her that if his eyes would almost never recover, it made her dare not even look forward to it.

Never thought that Xu Jun would deceive her with blindness, and never questioned the identification result given by the doctor.

Xu Jun and his eyes never see again...

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