Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2613: Grandiose

This is a bit maddeningly sad.

The thumb in front and the **** next to each other were swollen and shiny, so...I couldn't bear to look directly.

He looked up at Su Nuan blankly, and saw that she was opening her mouth wide, looking at his feet in surprise.

The corners of his lips curled, and then a voice of grievance rang,

"I just accidentally bumped into it, and it hurts to death. Did I bleed?"

He said, bending over, reaching out to touch it.

"Ah... don't move."

Seeing Xu Junyu's movements, Su Nuan seemed to recover suddenly and ran towards Xu Junyu.

Xu Junyu's hand was held in time.

"do not move!"

The corners of Xu Junyu's eyes gradually rose.

"What's wrong? Is it really bleeding?"

"Uh... No. It's just a little bit swollen. Do you know where the medicine kit is? I'll take care of it for you."

"The medicine cabinet..."

Xu Junyu repeated the most crucial words, but his voice was heavy and heavy!

Huoyan, who was hiding at the door of the storage room, immediately winked with the servant on the side.

The servant was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted.

"The medicine cabinet...the medicine cabinet is here!"

The servant was pushed out by the crowd, a little flustered.

While running to the cabinet on the side, he emphasized the immediate arrival of the medicine cabinet.

Su Nuan glanced at the servant who suddenly ran out, her eyebrows moved slightly, and she looked towards the storage room and found that there was nothing.

Frowning, she looked down at Xu Jun and his swollen toes.

He raised his hand and put the marriage certificate in his hand on the sofa. He stretched out his hand and gently touched his toe.


Xu Junyu took a breath, and put his hands on the sofa, trying to retract.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Does it really hurt?" Xu Junyu's movement was so loud, Su Nuan was so scared that Su Nuan withdrew her hand, looking at him with some fear.

"It hurts."

Huo Yan hid on the side and twitched his mouth. With such a flamboyant performance, what could his young master do?

and also……

Huo Yan put his gaze on Su Nuan, and the corners of his mouth twitched again.

How come someone really prefers his style? !

Young lady, you can’t do this!

How can you trust Master so much? !

At this time, the servant ran over holding the medicine box,

"Mrs. Young, medicine cabinet!"

"Oh yes. Give it to me!"

Su Nuan reached out to take it, opened the medicine box and found the potion, took out the cotton swab and so on, all ready, looked up at Xu Junyu, and whispered:

"You bear with me a little bit, I will apply the potion for you!"


Su Nuan poured out the potion, dipped a cotton swab, and carefully applied it to Xu Jun and his injured toe.

Xu Junyu's toes trembled when he first came into contact with the potion, and Su Nuan's hand halted again.

"Hold it up."

Her voice is low, and her smooth hair looks so beautiful even with broken hair, and the sun shines on her profile, so quiet and gentle.

Before he knew it, Xu Junyu was stunned.

In fact, there are no wounds, and there is no pain at all if it is stained with potion or something. At most, it just feels the coldness of the potion.

The reaction was so big, I wanted to see the nervous and distressed look of the woman in front of me.

Although the behavior is very bad, but only by lying to her in this way, he can see the expression he wants to see.

When the potion touched the second toe, Xu Junyu shrank again.

"Don't move. Does it really hurt?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Junyu retracted his gaze.

[Continue tomorrow. 】

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