Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2615: Just smoke a cigarette

There is no impression at all, but it really seems to be shot closely together.

However, he was the one who said that he was going to get married, but now he is the one who is going to divorce. She has the final say!

Why? !

Su Wenhua angrily slapped Xu Jun and his face twice in the photo, and then accidentally cut out Xu Jun and part of the photo...

Both of the eyeballs she buttoned were gone.


She quickly shared the marriage certificate in her hand, still feeling unreliable in her heart.

Xu Jun has such a bad temper. If he saw himself ruining him like this, would he...

Without thinking about it anymore, Su Nuan immediately opened the marriage certificate again and struck Xu Junyu's face again.

"Fuck you! Hooligan, badass, Foxdog!"

Anyway, his girl is blind, and now she "frustrated him" and he couldn't see it either.

And I always have to change to a divorce certificate in a while, why are you so handsome now!

Su Nuan only remembered to go downstairs when the photos of Xu Junyu were devastated and the facial features were lost.

As soon as she reached the stairs, she smelled something she hadn't smelled for a long time.

Wrinkled his nose again and sniffed, the smell became stronger,

Su Nuan coughed violently when she was caught off guard.

Looking down, Xu Jun sat on the sofa and smoked like Uncle Sure enough.

Xu Junyu actually smokes? !

He is also a man who can smoke? !

Huoyan stood by, watching Su Nuan frowning down the stairs, her mouth twitched.

Is this beginning again?

I have to look for trouble again, and then I can’t get off the stage. After that, how to solve...

Well, maybe there is no need to settle this time, anyway, it is about to divorce.

"Xu Junyu, do you smoke?"

Su Nuan walked down the stairs, staring at Xu Jun and the cigarette in her hand, frowning tightly.

Xu Junyu heard Su Nuan's coughing just now, so he had to put the cigarette in his mouth and kept it in his hand without taking a breath.

He heard Su Nuan's question now, and his tone was obviously not so good, so he put out the cigarette **** in the ashtray in front of him.

Then he pointed his finger to Huo Yan, his eyes were not blinking, he said:

"He forced it to me!"


Huo Yan grinned fiercely, his scalp became tight, and he quickly raised his head to look at Su Nuan.

And Su Nuan also subconsciously placed his gaze on him, the disagreement on his face was particularly obvious.

Huo Yan opened his mouth and wanted to defend himself, but after all, it was his young master who was throwing the pot. After thinking about it, he closed his mouth tightly. It was just that the person who looked wronged was distressed.

Su Nuan wasn't too stupid in the end, she retracted her gaze and glared at Xu Junyu, "If you don't want to, can Huoyan force you?"

"I can't see with my eyes, who knows what he gave me?"

"The action of pinching the cigarette is so versatile, I don't know what he gave you? And you just pushed it into the ashtray! You smoked it all, do you still admit it?!"


Xu Junyu pursed her lips, and Su Nuan choked and stopped talking.

Huo Yan secretly smiled aside, deserved it!

What a fool!

After being silent for a while, Xu Junyu said in a deep voice, "I didn't smoke!"

Extremely unconvincing tone!


Su Nuan rolled her eyes with contempt at him.

"Su Xiaonuan, what do you mean?"

Su Nuan walked to him and handed the marriage certificate in front of him.

"It's nothing! It's just smoking a cigarette. There is nothing I dare to admit!"

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